Muscle groups

1) Warm up for 10-15 minutes prior to the actual exercise session. Increase duration of warm-up when temperature is cold or when you are sore. 2) I shall warm up until I begin to sweat. The whole purpose of my warm up is to increase my body temperature by 1 or 2 degrees. 3) I shall let only a few minutes elapse from the completion of the warm up until the start of the activity. (Gentle pulse raiser)Jogging, sides steps one way and the other, grape veins.  Static mobilisation, twist ankles in a clockwise direction, knee lifts, hip rocks (in circles), spinal twists, shoulder roles, elbow twists, wrists ,neck.

Stretching specific Static: Hamstrings, calf, quads, abdominals stretch, bicep and triceps, bicep and triceps stretches. Dynamic stretching The cones are used to represent speed of stretch.1s,t cones equals walk 2nd, cone equals jogging speed, 3rd is to run. 1st stretch using: front leg plunges, knee lifts, bottom kicks, lunges, grape veins, again opposite legs, sideward run on both legs. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Use the cones as before but run around the cone from side to side using, side steps around the cones with out crossing legs. After 2 runs, put a ladder at the top of the course and run through it again. If it is a sport specific I will bring a ball in to the course by simply passing the ball around the course at the same time.

Warm up Mobilize your ankles by lifting the right leg and rotating your foot clockwise and then anticlockwise for several seconds. Repeat with the left leg. Stretching your calves, Keeping your right foot firmly on the ground, and keeping your right leg straight, take a stride forward with your left leg and bend your left kn e. You should feel your right calf stretch. Repeat for the left calf. Alternatively, cross your legs, and keeping your legs together, bend over at the hips, and put your arms behind your back calf. Try to touch the ground. Repeat for the other calf.

Now stretch the hamstrings. Sit down on the ground with both legs stretched out together in front of you. Bend over and try to touch your toes. Then with your legs apart, touch the toes of each leg in turn. Alternatively, you can try this exercise standing up. The groin stretch is to stand with your feet apart, and bend one knee whilst facing forwards to stretch the opposite groin. Keep your back straight, and adjust your weight until you feel your groin stretch.

A simple quadriceps stretch is to stand on one foot, grab the other foot with your hand, and bend your leg back until your foot touches your bottom. It’s important with this exercise to keep your back straight as you stretch. This completes the lower body warm up. The upper body The stomach can be stretched as follows. Lie down with your hands by your shoulders in the press-up position. Instead of doing a press-up, lift your waist off the ground using your stomach muscles, and repeat several times. Note that this is just a warm-up for the stomach. Use sit-ups or weights to develop the stomach muscles

Clasp your hands behind your back and extend your arms back and upward to stretch both your chest and back. The duration the stretch should be between 10 and 30 seconds, and you may want to repeat the stretch two or three times. Extend until you feel definite stretching, but not so far that it’s painful. Then clasp your hands in front and stretch forward keeping your stomach muscles tight. To stretch the neck simply hold the head to one side for 7 seconds then to the other and the front for a further 7 seconds each

Finally, cross one arm across the front of your body, using the other arm to extend it further. This will stretch your deltoids and triceps. Repeat for both arms. Following these stretches, your upper body should feel noticeably looser and more relaxed. Cool down 5 to 10 minutes jogging/walking – keep moving to decrease body temperature and remove waste products from the working muscles.

5 to 10 minutes of simple static stretching exercises as above. 5 to 10 minuets of the following simple mobilization of joints. Circle the Waist 1. Stand with your feet together and your hands on the lower back. Imagine the tailbone dropping down to the ground and the crown of your head extending to the sky. Circle your tailbone clockwise for 3 rotations and then reverse, counterclockwise, for 3 rotations. This will warm up the lower back.

Circle the Hips 2. Stand with your legs apart the width of the hips, feet parallel and toes pointing forward. Place your hands on the outside of the hip socket with your fingers pointing down. Rotate in an oval 3 times clockwise and 3 times counterclockwise. This will warm up the hips. Circle the Knees 3. Stand with your feet together, then bend the knees. Place your hands on the knee caps with your fingers pointing down.

Keep the back extended and the arms straight. Circle the knees clockwise and counterclockwise, beginning with 6 rotations each direction. This warm-up is for the knees and ankles. Side Stretch 4. Stand with your feet together and stretch your arms overhead. Interlock your fingers and turn the palms to the sky. Press your palms upward and plant the feet firmly downward. As you exhale, stretch to the right, hold the stretch for a few moments. Inhaling, coming back to the center and repeat to the left.


5. Stand with your feet together parallel and your arms at your sides. Inhale and on the exhale fold forward from the crease of the hips with your hands on the legs above the knee. Lengthen the back. Extend the sides of the torso. Do not push back into your knees, but keep the legs straight. Gradually lower the torso down, from the hips, the arms reaching toward the ground. Interlock your fingers and turn the hands over, the palms reaching towards the ground. Do not force this stretch. This warm-up stretches the muscles of the legs and back.

Forward Leg Stretch

6. Separate your feet a wide distance, 4 feet or more depending on the length your legs. Point the toes forward. Place your hands above the knees. While exhaling, bend your right knee, keeping the left leg straight. The torso should be in as upright a position as possible. Try not to lean forward. One method of practice is to hold on to a support as you go down and up to help keep the torso upright. Go down as low as you can without strain. Inhale while coming up and repeat on the other side. Repeat 3 times. The stretch is for the inner thigh (abductors) and the hips.

Forward Leg Stretch

7. Stand facing a support such as a rail. Place your right foot up on the support with the toes pointed up into the air. Stabilize your standing leg, pressing the foot down into the ground and lifting the front thigh muscles up into the hip. Stretch both arms overhead, interlock the fingers and turn the palms to the sky. As your standing foot presses down into the ground, press your hands up. Relax your shoulders down towards your waist and lengthen the sides of your torso. Exhale and fold your torso forward, from the crease of the hip. Lengthen your spine. Extend your arms toward your foot, place them on your leg or, if you can reach your foot, take hold of the toes and gently pull them back. Again, relax the shoulders down towards the waist and lengthen the torso.

Twist with Leg Stretch

8. Keep your right foot up on the support. Your left leg is firm and straight with your foot pressing down into the ground. Place your right hand on the right side of the waist and the left hand on the right leg. On an exhale, lift the belly and turn the waist to the right. Lengthen the sides of the torso and let the shoulders drop down. Your eye gaze may follow the direction of the turn, but do not twist the neck forcibly. After you feel the muscles of the side torso begin to release, come slowly back to the forward-facing position. This exercise stretches the sides of the torso and releases in the hip.

Chin to Toe

9. Stand with your feet together and then turn the left foot outward 45 degrees. Bend your left leg and step your right leg forward, placing the heel on the ground and the toes up. All the weight should be on the left leg. Note that the bent left knee is over the left foot, not veering in or out of that alignment. Stretch forward from the crease of the right hip and stretch your hands towards the right foot. You may place your hands on the leg or, if possible, place your hands on the foot, pulling back on the toes and ball of the foot, stretching the spine and torso as well as the legs. Remember not to push in your knee. Do not force this stretch. Breathe easily and let the stretch take place gradually, increasing each day. Inhale as you come up.

Arm Swing

10. Place your right hand into the lower back on the right side with the fingers pointing downward. Circle your left arm in, brushing the inside of the right knee and continuing up and over the head and around again. Begin by doing eight repetitions. Repeat on the left side. This exercise warms up the shoulder and upper back.

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An increase in the blood flow through active tissues (this is due to the local vascular beds dilating). This increases muscle temperature and the rate of metabolism in the muscle. As the body’s heart rate is increased, more oxygen is carried …

I also designed a warm up and cool down to help prevent me from sustaining an injury. Warm Up Routine: 1. A gentle jog varying between 200 and 400 metres. 2. Trapezius stretches. (Tilting the head to the front, back, …

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