Microbiological Risks

Also as mentioned, maintenance of tight controls on required temperature in the slaughterhouse should be encouraged to ensure that chances of food poisoning are reduced. Some micro organisms survive only on given set of temperatures beyond which they die. Implementation of temperature controls in slaughterhouse would reduce contamination as well as food poisoning.

As per se, there are no control measures put in place by the European Union legislation relating to meat hygiene and inspection which makes these legislations to be unproductive in their fight against food poisoning and zoonotic diseases which are brought about by poor hygiene and poor or scanty inspection of meat products (Reilly, n. d). Under the European Union legislations relating to meat hygiene and inspection, farm operators are not required to furnish authorities with health information and relevant management information relating to animals to be slaughtered in the region.

The farming practices for animal rearing are also not stringent which increases the chances of animal infection. Despite the measures currently set at slaughterhouses to reduce contamination or to detect infected meat or animals, some micro organisms cannot be traced unless thorough screening is carried out. Since there are not measures to ensure such screening on meat is carried out, infected animals end up being sold out to the consumers who in turn suffer from zoonotic diseases.

This problem can be reduced by imposing strict measures of hygiene which may include ensuring the livestock farming practices are carried out with high levels of hygiene and also ensuring that farm operators furnish the relevant authorities with health information relating to animals to be slaughtered. This would help reduce food poisoning and zoonotic diseases in the region (Cibin, n. d). Conclusion Meat hygiene and inspection has become an issue of concern in the European Union region as well as other parts of the world due to the increasing cases of food borne and zoonotic diseases.

The current European Union legislations are not appropriate for controlling food borne and zoonotic diseases. New and tighter regulations in slaughterhouses and animal rearing farms are required to ensure zoonotic diseases are reduced or controlled.


Cibin, V. (n. d): Foodborne Microbiological Risks: Zoonoses Surveillance According To EU Legislation. Retrieved on 3rd July 2009 from, http://eucenter. tamu. edu/documents/Presentations%20Collected/Cibin%20%20Foodborne%20Microbiological%20Risks%20%20Zoonoses%20Surveillance%20according%20to%20EU%20Legislation.ppt.

ElAmin, A. (2007): EU to review food hygiene laws. Retrieved on 3rd July 2009 from, http://www. foodqualitynews. com/Legislation/EU-to-review-food-hygiene-laws. Elson, R. (n. d): Overview of incoming changes to European food safety and hygiene legislation. Retrieved on 3rd July 2009 from, http://www. eurosurveillance. org/ViewArticle. aspx? ArticleId=2599. Gracey, J. F. , Collins, D. S. & Huey, R. J. (1999): Meat hygiene. ISBN0702022586, Elsevier Health Sciences Reilly, A. (n. d): Food hygiene legislation in the European Union.

Retrieved on 3rd July 2009 from, http://www. wpro. who. int/fsi_guide/files/food_hygiene_legislation_in_eu. ppt. Sofos, J. N. (n. d): Challenges to Meat Safety in the 21st Century. Retrieved on 3rd July 2009 from, http://www. meat-ims. org/symposium_proceeding. pdf. Uyle, F. (2009): EU Food Hygiene Legislation. Retrieved on 3rd July 2009 from, http://www. articlesbase. com/health-articles/eu-food-hygiene-legislation-979622. html.

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