Message Appeals Used in Advertising

Berknan and Gilson Defined advertising appeals as an attempt at creativity that inspires consumers motives for purchase and affects consumer’s attitude towards a specific product or service. Message appeals are used in Advertising Messages to draw the consumer’s attention to his or her, own unmet needs and desires. Appeals can be broadly classified as Rational and Emotional. Rational appeals work on the consumer’s rationale i. e. the message will focus on the features of the product, its performance, the benefits from using the product, ease or technicality involved in usage, etc.

The emotional appeal on the other hand works on the consumer’s emotions i. e. the message focuses on the satisfaction derived from purchasing, using or gifting the product. Case Study: 1. Study Table in Household. Product name: A1 A study Table for a household is likely to be purchased by the Lower Middle, Upper Middle, Lower Upper and Upper Upper class. This product will also be affective in urban areas. The Rural populace is involved in manual labour and even if the students go to school they wouldn’t be using a desk and chair at home.

The various message appeals that could be used whilst advertising a Study Table for a household are: Subliminal Appeal: This appeal is used to inform consumers about their needs that may be suppressed and therefore these needs to be made conscious. This appeal can be used to advertise a Study Table in the household by focusing on the importance of sitting at a table whilst studying or working. Every student and parent is aware of the importance of a study table as at school students always study whilst sitting at a table.

Similarly in offices one works at his desk or cubicle thus the need for a table and chair is recognised. However Consumer’s might be wary of the importance of a study table at home and by focusing on the importance of comfort, better attention spans whilst sitting straight, etc may induce the consumer to purchase a study table for the household. Fear Appeal: The Fear appeal is used by advertisers to induce fear in the consumer’s minds. Most advertisements that use the fear appeal show the pitfalls that the consumers might face, if they do not use the product.

If one does not use a Study Table to study one might not be comfortable, hence one’s concentration levels would drop and therefore as the attention span reduces one might not be able to study effectively resulting in poor performance or failure. Similarly a grown up wouldn’t be able to adequately concentrate on an important presentation for work and that could cost him, his job. Price or value Appeal: The price or value appeal s used by making the consumer feel like he is getting more than what he paid for.

Marketers either lower the price of the product and make the people aware of the new price or then they offer something extra at the same price. In the case of a study table marketers may either reduce the price by 20% or 30 % in the months of May – June as that is the beginning of a new academic year or then they would reduce it during festive occasions. The seller might offer a lamp shade or a chair at the same price. The lamp shade or the chair would be the freebies that the consumers receive on purchase o f the product.

Quality appeal: The quality appeal is used to communicate to those consumers who prefer quality over quantity. There are consumer’s who wouldn’t mind paying extra only to be assured of quality. It is received that if a product is expensive it is associated with quality. The study table may be of authentic teak wood and therefore the price will be higher but a consumer who prefers quality would relate to such a message. Celebrity appeal: Celebrities are used to endorse various products. Their success is replicated on the product. For a study table a successful scholar would be used to endorse the product.

Either a writer or a scientist. Actors and movie stars may also be used as people relate to them and they occupy a positive attention in the minds of the people. One liner: * Wish to have straight As? Start with A1 * Want to stay ahead of the competition? Race with A1. * Why settle for second best? Always be A1. 2. Cosmetic Surgery Product Name: Safely Sensual Cosmetic Surgery is a high involvement service. People are sceptic about using this product and the common man feels like it is a service to be availed by actors, models and TV Stars.

Contrary to that opinion there are other people who would go in for a cosmetic surgery to look better and feel good about themselves. This is a service availed by the Upper Middle, Lower Upper and Upper Upper class. Sex Appeal: Sex appeal is used by the usage of sexual themes and sexually attractive models. Since people often face mid life crisis, and are left feeling old and bereft of sexual desire, a sexually attractive message would be ideal for a cosmetic surgery advertisement thus making the consumer feel wanted, beautiful, young, loved and thus it helps the consumer feel like he or she is capable of making love.

Subliminal appeal: Every middle aged person at some point in time feels like he or she is no longer beautiful and the need for beauty may be suppressed if the person is surrounded by people who adore him or her. If the message campaign focuses on the imperativeness of feeling beautiful for one’s own satisfaction may be the subliminal appeal would work. Ego Appeal: If a message appeals to their Ego, consumers are willing to spend on the product or the service. The ego appeal can be used to advertise for cosmetic surgery as the person is made to feel beautiful.

Everybody desires to be attractive however not everyone would be open to undergoing a cosmetic surgery in order to be beautiful. Te ego appeal cleverly plays on the minds of the consumers who await compliments or those who wish to be better looking than the rest. Celebrity Appeal: Celebrities can be used to advertise for cosmetic surgery as they have already established themselves as attractive in the eyes of the consumer. The chances of a consumer believing a movie star, when he or she is advertising a cosmetic surgery are high.

The testimonial approach may be used to establish the service as safe and worth the price. Price or Value appeal: A Cosmetic Surgery is a high end service however exciting discounts and offers may be introduced to promote this service. A 20% discount could be offered if two surgeries are opted for by the consumer at one point. The surgeries might not happen together as the person needs to heal form one however if they opt for both at the same time a discount could be offered. As these surgeries are expensive even a 20% discount is worth it.

Social Acceptance Appeal: The social acceptance appeal may be used to make the consumers feel accepted in society. Most people who undergo cosmetic surgery obviously care and pay a lot of attention to their look and for them they are always on the look out to socialise and flaunt their look. This may not hold truth for all consumer’s as some of the might undergo a surgery only to feel good themselves and may not be social butterflies. One Liner: * Safe yet sensual. * Sensual secrets. * Sensually yours.

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