Merit for motivation

John has always wanted to be a professional footballer and loves playing the game. This is the main reason why he keeps himself motivated and participating in sport. He has a high achievement motivation as he really wants to succeed in football. If it wasn’t for these reasons he would probably stop playing football or play for a team where there is lower pressure to win. One of the reasons why he may only participate in sport for a short time is that he internally attributes failure. He thinks of himself as being a bad defender and is not quick enough.

This will mean that he has low confidence in himself so he may want to stop participating in football. As the coach is not telling him otherwise he really believes it is true. This is the next reason why he might not participate in sport for very long as he receives no verbal persuasion. His coach does not tell him that he values John and it makes him feel like he is not wanted in the team. As he has no self confidence this will make him feel like he is not good at football. Instead of giving praise the coach also shouts things like “that’s not good enough” which makes him feel even worse.

The final reason that he may not participate long in sport is that his coach always blames the results on unstable factors instead of addressing the problems. He tells John and his team mates they only lost because of bad refereeing or bad pitches. This will give them a false sense of confidence as they will think hey can continue playing like they are until luck goes on their side. JULIA: Julia has a high achievement motivation as she loves her sport and loves winning races. She has been winning lots of races recently so is very confident.

This will help her to carry on participating as she is pleased with the achievements that she is getting like winning races. Her coach is always giving her verbal persuasion and telling her she is good at running. He praises her before and after each session so that she will always be confident. This will help her to continue participating in running as her confidence is high. Julia has plenty of opportunities of success as not only does she enter lots of races she also reaches goals when she is training which success is. While she is gaining success she will want to continue running.

The coach does this on purpose so she will no that she is capable of gaining good times as she will have done so in training. Julia has plenty of vicarious opportunities. This is where she gets to see other people and how they run. As she runs on her own she needs someone else to watch. Her coach is still an active runner and wins races some of which are televised. Julia will be able to watch her coach and see how he performs and trains and then try and follow his example. If he is putting in the training and winning big races then she will be able to see the benefits of her training.

Her only downfall is that she sometimes exhibits internal failure. She gets nervous before a race so her coach tells her to relax before a race but she finds this very difficult. This could be something she needs to conquer to gain more success. JOHN: The first way in which John could be motivated so that he will continue participation is by getting verbal persuasion. John is a player who does not believe he is good enough so it is essential that someone tells him that he is. This person should be the coach who needs to let john no what he is good is.

As john does not think that he is quick enough the coach could tell john the things that he is good at so he can use the attributes he has got. If john is playing badly then the coach needs to explain what he is doing wrong and not just shout at john for playing badly as this will make his confidence even lower. If johns coach is not telling him this then other team mates or a parent could help him to start playing better. The coach will also need to find out how to motivate John. To do this the coach will need to work out why John is laying for the team like weather it is to be a professional or because he really likes to win.

After the coach has found this out he will be able to motivate john better. The coach could do this by arranging an interview with john and asking him about his problems at the club. After he has found out about Johns problems he could set goals at training for him to aim for. Another method that could be used to motivate john would be to give him some vicarious experience. This is experience from watching another player. From this he would be able to pick up lots of pointers and it could help to improve johns game which would in turn would improve his confidence and make him want keep participating.

The coach could arrange for John to watch an older boy playing at right back and let him take notes on how he plays. Or the coach could get John to watch a professional full back on the television and gain take notes on the player. This method is very good for people of a younger age like John as it can help them to develop there game in later life. JULIA: Julia’s coach uses goal setting in training for some things. In order to keeps Julia staying motivating he could introduce lots of goals. Goal setting is good for Julia for two reasons.

The first is that she will realize her potential so if she is getting her goals in training then she will know that she will be able to get the goals in the real race. This will help her confidence as she will believe in herself. The second reason is that it gives her success which will make her confidence high. Julia loves success so her gaining her goals in training will make her very confident and happy. When she is confident and happy she will want to keep participating in her sort. The second motivation strategy that can be used to keep Julia participating in her sport would be to offer her extrinsic rewards.

This could be of her coach or off her parents. Extrinsic rewards are things such as money or items that can be offered to Julia if she wins a race. For example her parents could say if you break our personal best of one and a half hours we will buy you the running shoes that you wanted. This will make Julia want to train very hard so that she can get the new running shoes. It will also make her keep participating as she knows that if she stops participating she will not get the shoes that she wants. The coach can offer different types of rewards.

For example he could say if you win the county race I will get you a trial for England running team. He can do this as he is head of the England Juniors. This will make Julia want to carry on participating as this reward would be a dream come true. The main reason that Julia keeps training hard for eight hours a day is because her coach gives her lots of verbal persuasion. This is the main reason for Julia participating as it makes her feel good about herself. This means that for Julia to continue to participate in running her coach needs to continue to praise Julia when she does something good.

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