Mental Health Nursing

Being assigned to assist in the psychiatric floor of the hospital is such a great and overwhelming experience. This is where I became more knowledgeable of my profession. The mental health setting really provided its patients the proper care required for their current state of being.  I feel the intense emotion and the importance of my profession to aid those people in need of medical attention and care.

The nurses really played their part giving therapeutic communication to the patients. Most people confined there are full of depression, anxiety, hallucination, suicidal tendency and many mental related cases. Emotion is one great factor to talk to the patients as you let them forget what they are suffering. They also ensure that proper nursing care is given. No IV is allowed on the floor and even gave medications by mouth.

What I enjoyed most is the exercise session with the patients. Everyone is asked to sit in a circle and do the exercising in their chairs. They are asked to follow the steps provided by the instructor and it feels great to see that everyone is following his instructions. I also observed how they talk to the patients. They treat everyone normally so that the patients will forget all their burdens and illnesses.

The nursing process is really a tough job especially on the psychiatric floor. patience and understanding is one great ability of the nurse to aid patients well. They provide more than what  they are asked for through care and proper emotion handling of the patients. Being a nurse in the psychiatric floor is such a great and noble career to choose.

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