Med Tech

Medical Technology refers to the diagnostic/therapeutic application of science and technology to improve the management of health conditions  front lines in clinical laboratories  allow intervention with devices, pharmacological, biological or other methods to increase life span Clinical Laboratory Science  is the use of clinical laboratory tests to detect, diagnose, monitor and treat diseases  blood, tissue and body fluids can be chemically analyzed and examined for foreign organism  85% of all medical decisions are based on the results of clinical laboratory testing made by medical technologists  perform and use sophisticated laboratory techniques to uncover diseases or monitor medical conditions and relate the data to various disease processes to aid in treating and determining the cause of disease Medical Technologist.

(clinical laboratory scientists) are laboratory scientists who are part of the team of specialists that work together to determine the presence, extent or absence of disease a person who engages in the work of medical technology under the supervision of a pathologist or licensed physician authorized by the Department of Health in places where there is no pathologist and who having passed the prescribed course (Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology / Bachelor of Science in Public Health) of training and examination is registered under the provision of this Act.

(PRC definition)  a medical technologists performs a full range of laboratory tests from simple blood tests to more complex tests to even assisting with the uncovering of diseases such as cancer. (AMT definition Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969  practice of Medical Technology in the Philippines  A person shall be deemed to be in the practice of medical technology.

Within the meaning of this Act, who shall for a fee, salary or other compensation or reward paid or given directly or indirectly through another, renders any of the following professional services for the purpose of aiding the physician in the diagnosis, study and treatment of diseases and in the promotion of health in general.  Examination of tissues, secretions and excretions of the human body and body fluids by various electronic, chemical, microscopic, bacteriologic, hematologic, serologic, immunologic, nuclear and other laboratory procedures and techniques either manual or automated;  Blood banking procedures and techniques;

Parasitologic, Mycologic and Microbiologic procedures and techniques;  Histopathologic and Cytotechnology: provided that nothing in this paragraph shall inhibit a duly registered medical laboratory technician from performing histopathologic techniques and procedures Clinical research involving patients or human beings requiring the use of and/ or application of medical technology knowledge and procedures;  Preparations and standardization of reagents, standards, stains and others provided such reagents, standards, stains and others are exclusively for the use of their laboratory; Clinical laboratory quality control;


“Father of Medicine” and is known for the famous Hippocratic Oath, the code of ethics for practicing physicians * Hippocrates described four “humors” or body fluids in man (blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile) * Visual examination of urine at the bedside could diagnose illness. Urinalysis, or the study of urine has been passed down from ancient times and is regarded as the oldest of Laboratory procedures today.  The polyuria of diabetes was noted in ancient times. As early as 600 B. C. , a Hindu physician recorded the sweet taste of diabetic urine.

Another physician noted in 1674, that the urine in diabetes had a taste similar to a honey. These descriptions are still valid today, although the “taste test” is no longer practiced.  Throughout the middle ages, “blood letting” was a means of curing most afflictions. A patient was bled with these leeches or by cutting a blood vessel. In a more enlightened age, this practice ended and the study of blood and its cellular elements began. Today, we have a better understanding of how leeches prevent blood from coagulating and thereby help restore circulation.

Once again, leeches are used in treatments that the success of reattaching severed limbs. Highlights in the History of Medical Technology  Unsuccessful attempts of blood transfusion practices; Pope Innocent VII (1492) was the first unlucky recipient William Harvey (1616) discovered blood circulation, the era of blood transfusion started Blood transfusion developments:  Richard Lower (animal – animal)  Dog to dog  Jean Baptiste-Denis [1667] (animal – human)  Blood of a sheep to a 16 year old boy  James Blundell [1818] (human – human).

Transfused human blood to woman suffering from postpartum hemorrhage arl Landsteiner  In 1900, scientific explanation came upon the discovery of the ABO Blood group system  Alfred von Decastello and Adriano Sturli, Landsteiner’s students, discovered blood group AB (1600 – 1800) Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (1632 – 1723) The invention & development of the compound microscope  First to describe RBC’s to see protozoa & classify bacteria according to shapes  Cocci, Bacilli, Spirillum, Filamentous Marcelo Malphigi.

(1628 – 1694) considered as the greatest early microscropist  “Founder of Pathology”  By 1848, Herman Fehling had a quantitative test for urine, sugar; Aniline dyes (mid 15th) used throughout the Laboratory then and today were developed in 1850.  In 1854, Jules Duboscq developed the 1st visual colorimeter based on Beer’s law.

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Abstract In this paper I will explain and describe how nuclear medicine uniquely provides information about both the structure and function of virtually every major organ system within the body. It is this ability to characterize and quantify physiologic function …

Abstract In this paper I will explain and describe how nuclear medicine uniquely provides information about both the structure and function of virtually every major organ system within the body. It is this ability to characterize and quantify physiologic function …

The profession of veterinary medicine has improved enormously and has become multifaceted on account of the fact that the general public demands modernized and up to date hospital facilities for its pet animals. In order to satisfy the expectations of …

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