The profession of veterinary medicine has improved enormously and has become multifaceted on account of the fact that the general public demands modernized and up to date hospital facilities for its pet animals. In order to satisfy the expectations of the public, the veterinarians take the advantage of the skills of trained veterinary technicians. Veterinary technician are essential members of the veterinary health care team.
They must have thorough knowledge regarding the care and handling of animals and the fundamental principles of normal and abnormal life processes. The work of a veterinary technician is supervised by a licensed veterinarian whom he assists in an array of duties; however he is not authorized to diagnose, prescribe and perform surgery. The duties of veterinary technicians are similar to that of nurses who assist a physician.
They include obtaining and recording patient case histories, collecting specimens and performing laboratory procedures, providing professional nursing care, preparing animals and instruments for surgery, assisting the veterinarian in diagnostic and surgical practices, exposing and developing radiographs, advising and educating animal owners and performing dental prophylaxes. Veterinary technicians employed in biomedical research units have other duties in addition to these normal duties and responsibilities.
These specific duties require them to provide compassionate care and handling of animals that are used in research and they have to provide assistance in the execution of research projects. 2) What experience have you had with animals? I have been working with animals for more than three and a half decades, due to the fact that I had been living on a farm in rural Illinois. That particular farm had a variety of animals, like cows, goats, pigs and pet animals like cats and dogs.
Right from childhood, I had to feed and water these animals in the morning as well at night and move the breeding stock animals from one pen to another. This task entailed a great deal of patience and careful observation. Further, I had to care for the newly born animals. Moreover, I had to attend to the emasculation of male pigs and apply prophylactic injections. I have three Siamese Cats, named Dandy, Jade and Bast. The first two cats were in very poor health. Dandy suffers from Eosinophilic Granuloma or sores on the skin (EOSINOPHILIC GRANULOMA) and its ear canals were too narrow to permit the proper drainage of ear wax.
After frequent and regular visits to the veterinary doctor, these conditions were controlled. I attended to all the nursing and medication requirements. The second cat Jade had ringworm and feline Herpes, the ringworm was cured but the Herpes, which causes breathing disorders, could only be suppressed (animalhealth channel). 3) Why did you choose a vet tech career? From a very young age, I had been associated with animals due to having lived on a farm for thirty – five years. Afterwards I had kept several animals as pets that had been sick at the time of adoption.
I had adopted such animals because of the genuine interest I had in helping sick and needy animals. Moreover, I have been helping people who required medical help for the past seventeen years. In 1990 I obtained the C. N. A certificate and had taken great pains to succor the elderly. Subsequently, I obtained the EMT license and this helped me to serve the public as a 9/11 Emergency Medical Dispatcher. Over a period of time I have been transferred to the hospital’s Emergency Room.
I am now approaching your most esteemed institution, namely the IBC, with this wealth of knowledge and experience behind me, in order to seek admission, so that I can serve those who do not have a voice, those whose needs are ignored and those who cannot protest if a wrong is done to them, in short to protect those whom we call animals. My single minded objective is to become a Veterinary Technician for the above enumerated reasons.
Works Cited
animalhealth channel. 16 May 2007 <http://www. animalhealthchannel. com/rhinotracheitis/>. EOSINOPHILIC GRANULOMA. 16 May 2007 <http://www. marvistavet. com/html/body_eosinophilic_granuloma. html>.