Long distance running

How long your Muscles can withstand the exercise being done. Agility How quickly and efficiently your body can change direction in the smallest amount of space. Cardiovascular Endurance How long your respiratory systems can go on for. Balance and Co-ordination How well your body works in unison. For example all your bodily parts arranging themselves to balance on something they could not with normal posture. This takes Co-ordination of all the body parts.

Flexibility The range of how far one particular joint can rotate is its flexibility. Your flexibility takes into account the tension from the ligaments, tendons, muscles and skin. Power How much force your muscles can produce in one particular movement. Like jumping or punching a punch bag. Speed How fast you can do a particular task. For example sprinting, or swimming. How fast you can complete a certain exercise.

Methods of Training Fartlek Training Method combining periods of rest with periods of exertion, this improves speed and endurance. Continuous Training Taking no rests from one activity, this is good for improving cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Circuit Training This training method can be adapted to improve almost any component of fitness. For example high intensity cardiovascular exercise can be combined in a circuit with intervals of weight training The Effects of Exercise Positive Effects Exercising has many positive aspects; it can improve your physical health by reducing the risk of heart disease, reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure, and even lengthening your lifespan. Exercise can also improve your psychological wellbeing, and also reduce depression and anxiety.

Negative Effects Exercising too much can create health problems, such as problems with joints. However, if you are exercising constantly you could suffer from psychological problems such as low self esteem, and obsessions with losing weight/getting fitter. My Sport The sport I have chosen to improve is long distance running, this is because I am not as good at it as sprinting, but I still enjoy it. The aspect of fitness I have chosen to improve is Cardiovascular Endurance; this will be my main concern although I will need to stretch before exercise so my flexibility should improve as well.

The method of training which I am going to apply to this is Continuous Training. This is because it is very good at improving Cardiovascular Endurance because there is no resting time while exercising. I am going to be running, cycling and swimming using Continuous Training. I should also consider the following aspects during training; S.P.O.R.T Specificity You must consider how relevant the aspects of fitness you are improving are to your chosen sport. If you aren’t training for a particular sport, you should consider what goals you are aiming towards and train specifically for them. E.g. If you are trying to lose weight you should concentrate on cardiovascular activities.

Progression This means increasing the overload over a period of time, rather than all at once. Progression happens naturally as you feel exercises get easier and therefore you do more. Overload Increasing the intensity of your workout, this makes your body work harder. Working harder than normal. Reversibility If you do not train for a long amount of time, your body loses the strength gained in training. Tedium Making sure you’re training session does not get too boring.

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I will be doing the extended work out again jus like in the previous session. After thoughts on session The session went well, with no problems at all. Later in the evening I didn’t feel tense or any pain in my muscles, …

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