Lipolysis & medical

Lipolysis cannot be used as a method for weight reduction and prevented to be used for people who are highly obese. Lipolysis can be used effectively for reducing fat deposits for those who are resistant to diet and exercise. Some of the common areas of lipolysis treatment are thighs, belly, upper arms, double chin. (Image Medical Centre, 2008) The number of sittings for lipolysis differs from each person, which is dependent on the body and size of body. Normally a minimum of 4-6 sessions is required per week depending on the course of treatment.

For small areas of fat deposit lipolysis is suggested whereas for larger areas liposuction is advised. Mostly surgeons would be advising patients which method of treatment should be given for each and every patient. Patients may likely to develop some of the reactions such as itching, burning, redness, aches or some sort of swelling whereas this can be solved with medicines and also with skin is restored with time. (Image Medical Centre, 2008) Lipolysis is a cosmetic surgery or treatment which is being used for more than a decade now and it has been very effective all over the world and people are absoutely happy about this procedure.

The only important suggestion here is, to consider the advice of a trained cosmetic surgeon who can provide absolute perfect guidance and suggestion in taking the treatment under the procedure of lipolysis. Benefits of utrasonic lipolysis are many to get rid of excess fat from abdomen, thighs and hips. Ultrasound waves are released on the fat cells through the medium of a transducer. These HIFU (High Intensity Focalised Ultrasound) waves target fat cells which are 1. 5 cm below the skin. This is completely non-surgical procedure and there are no stitches nor cuts and no anesthesia or injections.

It is completely painless and leaves no burns, scars or any colored redness on the skin. A patient can walk immediately after the treatment and can participate in the daily chores. The entire duration for Ultrasonic Lipolysis takes about one hour. A patient can certainly expect to lose at least 3 inches around abdomen, hips and thighs or whichever area the patient would like to lose fat and further this is a permanent as the fat cells in the body are decreased and loss of fat is permanent. (Benefits of Ultrasonic Lipolysis, 2008)

Injection Lipolysis is another innovative method to get rid of fat deposits around the waste, abdomen and facial point such as double chin and sagging cheeks. These areas contain a specific portion of phosphatidylcholin called as PPC. When PPC is injected in fat areas the fat dissolves and disappears enabling the removal fat permanently without surgery. PPC is a compound found from soy called as lecithin. Lecithin contains phosphate, choline and other specific fatty acids. This is a very healthy substance for enhancing the metabolism.

Choline transports the fat through cells and removes the build up of fat. Other benefits of PPC are, it helps the body to get rid of toxins which are not necessary and prevents cell damage. It also lowers the levels of cholesterol and helps in dissolving and hardening of arteries. Lipolysis is suitable for those people who suffer from severe weight problems. One or two sittings of treatment may be necessary for receiving permanent results provided a healthy life style is maintained. (Melrose aesthetic centre, 2006) The cost of Lipolysis is around $ 1000 – $ 3000 as per the body area.

This process of medical treatment is very economical and very healthy as it does not any surgeries or anesthesia and most importantly Lipolysis is considered as a cosmetic procedure which is mostly suitable for women who are beauty conscious and weight conscious and also who are getting older and wish to maintain the shape of bodies in all respects. These cosmetic procedures have become mostly necessary not by life style whereas by the process of need and necessity in order to live in a modern society and social communities.

(Danna Schneider, 2007) Although it is true, that every cosmetic procedure carries some risk at a particular level, such as electrolysis is some extent painful at least for some period of time and therefore Lipolysis is much better as compared to any cosmetic procedure. Conclusion In the year 2007, Sciton received the approval of U. S Food and Drug Administration for laser lipolysis which is performed for treatment of wrinkles. ProLipo is the latest technological advancement used in Sciton to target fat cells. (News-Medical.

Net 2007) Lipolysis has been a very successful cosmetic procedure ensured for all age groups of women to maintain appropriate weight according to the age and height. Thanks to the advanced science technology that has reduced the burden for women in retaining the charm and beauty that is the asset of all women. References Aesthetic medicine, <http://www. starlasers. in/aesthetic-medicine. html> accessed 2009 April 4. Benefits of lipolysis, <http://myskincare. co. za/articles-lipolysis. html> accessed 2009 April 4.

Cool Lipo, New Age Technology for old age problem, <http://www. cooltouch. com/Lipolysis. aspx> accessed 2009 April 4. Dr. Christopher T. Chia (2009) February 25, Smartlipo Laser Lipolysis<http://www. articlesbase. com/plastic-surgeries-articles/smartlipo-laser-lipolysis-788791. html> accessed 2009 April 4. Danna Schneider 2007 : September 9 The Lipolysis Fat Reduction Method <http://www. articlesbase. com/health-articles/the-lipolysis-fat-reduction-method-211553. html> accessed 2009 April 4. George A.

Bray, 2003: Claude Bouchard Handbook of Obesity <http://books. google. co. in/books? id=YBT4fPaitjkC&pg=PA522&lpg=PA522&dq=lipolysis&source=bl&ots=k1zCYbH0ZJ&sig=6qZlqGXionZ_3QgY15TbUgykYj8&hl=en&ei=b6vXSZKkEoqBkQWI4b3tAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9#PPA522,M1> accessed 2009 April 4. Injection Lypolysis <http://www. thecosmeticsurgeon. com/services-inject-lyp. html> accessed 2009 April 4. James (2008) Benefits of Ultrasonic Lipolysis <http://www. beautytohealth. com/benefits-of-ultrasonic-lipolysis> accessed 2009 April 4. Laura E. Matarese, Michele M.

Gottschlich (2002) Contemporary nutrition support, <http://books. google. co. in/books? id=TYzMA_sWXGwC&pg=PA553&lpg=PA553&dq=lipolysis+induce+Epinephrine,+norepinephrine,+glucagons+and+adrenocorticotropic&source=bl&ots=Nf88SA-PYh&sig=TIg5LNxXwJy20eue4IrRvWpUUWo&hl=en&ei=-bfXSenoFsmLkAXo-eXNBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1#PPA552,M1> accessed 2009 April 4 News-Medical. Net, Sciton receives FDA approval for laser-assisted lipolysis and pulsed light treatment of wrinkles, <http://www. news-medical. net/? id=27563> accessed 2009 April 4.

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