Level of fitness

There are three main reasons for carrying out these tests. The first being after I have looked at each health related fitness and each skill related fitness and the importance of them within my game I can come back to my results to included them in my thoughts when deciding which aspects to center my training around. The second being at the end of my training program I can take each test again and compare my results to see how successful my training program has been.

The third and less important reason is to see where I stand against the national average. Now I have decided which components of fitness to improve I need to decide which training methods to use to improve them. Before I look at what methods to use I must consider the principles of training. These being, specificity, overload, progression, reversibility, tedium, frequency, intensity, type and time. Specificity = my training must be specific to the two components I am concentrating on and the particular muscle groups used in a game of badminton.

Overload = my training must be raised to a higher level than normal to create the extra demands which my body much meet and then adapt to (this increasing my CV fitness) I can do this in three ways: increasing the intensity of my training. Increasing the frequency, how often I train. Increasing the duration, how long each training session lasts. Progression = as my body adapts to my training program it would progress to a new level of fitness. This is what I am trying to achieve, a higher level of fitness.

It is important that I remember that the most progression is made in the early stages, Reversibility = I must not leave any large gaps in my training program as if exercise is reduced in intensity then the benefits can be quickly lost. Deterioration can set in after just one week. Tedium = when drawing up my exercise schedule I must bear in mind that I get bored easily and therefore I must vary my timetable so not to get bored and give in. Frequency = I have to consider how many times a week I train to create my overload so I can progress to a new level of fitness.

As my training sessions go on I must increase the number of times I train each week. Intensity = I must make sure that as I go through my training program the intensity increases session by session. To increase the intensity I could increase how long my training sessions lasts, for example increasing the session from 30minutes at the start to and hour and a half towards the end. I could increase how strenuous the session is, for example how fast I run, or how far. And how often I train, the frequency. Type = this is linked closely with specificity.

I must use the correct type for training for the area of fitness I want to improve. Is the type of training specific/suitable? Time = the duration of the training sessions. Are they long enough to reach the level of fitness I am aiming for. Warm up and cool down Warm-ups and cool downs are among the most important of all principles of training. Should perform a warm-up not only to prepare the body for exercise but also to prevent injury and undue muscle soreness and discomfort following my exercise. Stage one: raising my pulse.

This part of the warm up with involve a ten minute period of light exercise, before each session of my training program I will follow this warm up. Five minutes of light jogging inside, three 100m shuttle runs of side steps, to improve muscle familiarization as side steps as constantly used to travel around the court. Then three minutes of skipping and finally three 100m shuttle runs of high knees. All of these will increase my heart rate and body temperature and help redistribute blood to the working muscles.

Stage two: stretching my muscles. Once my muscles are warm, stretching them can follow. My stretches should take my muscles through their full range of movement each stretch I do should be held for a minimum of 15 seconds. However muscles should not be over stretched as this can also result in a serious injury. Some of my muscle stretches may be replicated movements from badminton to ensure my muscles are fully prepared for stage three, lunging for example, a movements occurring very often at the front of the net to return a drop shot.

In badminton it is important to stretch many muscles, the diagrams below show which muscles need stretching and where they are located. Stage three: skill-related practices. In the final stage of warming up my mind as well as my body needs to be prepared for what is to come, especially just before a game. The focus for the third stage of my warm up should include skill related practices when my training session takes place on the badminton court. For example practicing smashes, drop shots and doubles play.

Cool downs are just as important as warm-ups. They maintain cardio respiratory functioning, which helps speed up the recovery process. It keeps capillaries and my other blood vessels dilated, enabling the muscles to be flushed through with oxygen-rich blood, which helps to remove fatiguing by-products such as lactic acid and carbon dioxide, which can act on my pain receptors. Maintains my venous return mechanism, thereby preventing blood pooling in my veins, which could cause dizziness if I was to stop exercising abruptly.

It can help minimize my muscular pain associated with delayed onset of muscle soreness which could occur 24-48 hours following exercise. To cool down after each session I will continue gentle uncompetitive play with my partner for five minutes {when pressure training} then jog for five minutes, slowly easing the pace until I finish with a walk for two minutes. All of these will ensure all of the above take place. Safety precautions Other safety measures can be very important in badminton to prevent injury.

Such things as wearing the correct footwear to protect the ankles from turning or sprains, {good shoes also inevitably make playing easier as pushing off the floor is easier and speed can be improved with the correct grip} also having the correct grip on the racket reduces wrist injuries. Checking any equipment I am about to use before using it. Checking the court surface to make sure it is safe to play upon. Other safety issues I have taken into consideration include wearing reflective clothing when running in the dark. Telling my parents where I will be running incase anything happens to me and planning my route before I set off.

Running in a well lit area arranging to run with a friend when I can. Personal factors I need to consider There are many factors I need to consider the may affect the way I train in the gym and on the court. My age, I am only young and therefore have a lot of energy. I can train hard and my body will become stronger and fitter because of it. However my body is still not full developed and therefore I cannot over train and damage my body. Injury, I am very lucky I have trained and worked out for many years and have not had a single serious injury. I can suffer from aching muscles after training sessions.

A good cool down can help as can a warm bath. Gender, it has been proven that males are stronger physically than females; I must not set myself targets suitable for males as these targets would not be practical. Methods of training Before I create and implement my training sessions I must decide on what method of training to use. The three I have chosen are: pressure training, fartlek training and circuit training for the reasons outlined below. A few other methods of training are also described below with reasons why I have chosen my chosen training method above them.

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