Jeremiah Valoaga Lung Cancer Research P

Lung cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that start off in one or both lungs. It usually happens in the cells that line the air passages in your lungs. These cells that form in the lungs do not develop into healthy lung tissue, but it divides rapidly and forms tumors. When these tumors grow they make it such a problem that it slowly stops the lungs ability to provide the bloodstream with oxygen. The tumors that remain stable in one spot and do not spread throughout the lungs are called benign tumors. Preventing cancer is such a necessity and an essential component to cancer control plans because an estimated number about 40% of all cancer deaths could have or can be prevented.

With information gathered between the years of 1973 and 2007, the unfavorable lung cancer trend in white women born after circa 1950 in the southern and Midwestern states. Research showed that there was a decline in age-specific lung cancer death rates among women in the US slowed in those who were under the age of 50. This indicated that there was a low level recommendation for additional interventions that promote the end of smoking in high-risk populations.

This was because it possibly could lead to a raise in the mortality trends not only for lung cancer but for additional smoking-related disease as well. We are all aware that smoking cigarettes is highly correlated towards lung cancer and is more than likely the cause most of the time. Also, tobacco itself is responsible for 90% of cases of lung cancer. What also falls under the use of tobacco and can cause lung cancer are pipe and cigar smoking, second hand smoking, asbestos fibers that you breathe in, radon gas and lastly the air pollution.

Those who smoke about a pack of cigarettes a day raise their chances of lung cancer 25 times higher than a non-smoker and those who smoke pipes or cigars are about 5 times more likely to get lung cancer than a non-smoker. Second hand smoking is not as bad as direct smoking, but it is just as bad. Second hand smoking or “passive smoking” is proven to increase the risk of lung cancer by 24% in a non-smoker.

There have been an estimated amount of 3,000 deaths from lung cancer that occur every year in the U. S. Asbestos fibers are silicate fibers that can consist in a lifetime of lung exposure to asbestos. Not only do these fibers cause lung cancer, but it also causes mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a certain cancers of the lining of the abdominal cavity called the peritoneum. Even if you do not smoke around the workplace in which there is asbestos, you are still putting yourself at risk for attaining lung cancer. For those who smoke in those specific workplaces, they are raising their chances by 50 to 90 times greater than those who do not smoke around it. Radon gas is a natural, chemically inert gas that is a natural decay product of uranium. Radon gas is actually responsible for about 12% of cases that consists of lung cancer which is equivalent to 15,000 to 22,000 lung cancer related deaths dealt with radon RUNNING HEADER: Lung Cancer Valoaga 3 gas.

Like asbestos fibers, smoking while being around radon gas will only put you at more of a risk for getting lung cancer than a non-smoker. One in every fifteen homes is said to contain dangerous levels of radon gas. Although it’s invisible and odorless, it can be detected by simple test kits. Even though we mainly know about smoking being the cause of lung cancer, which is not the only way we can be infected with lung cancer. Lung cancer is a very dangerous disease. It has a big impact on the public of America.

There is an estimated amount of 224,210 new cases and 159,260 deaths caused by lung cancer counting the number of men and women combined. Lung cancer itself is responsible for more deaths than the other four leading causes of cancer death combined. Within the last century, the mortality and the trend of lung cancer rates have increased remarkably, first in men and then women.

After accounting for an appropriate latency period, the rates of mortality and incidents involving lung cancer in general have mirrored historical patterns of smoking prevalence, because of that, the rates of lung cancer have depleted in men since 1990 consistently. Between 1984 and 2010, the rates of lung cancer incidents have declined from 102.

1 cases per 100,000 men to 80 cases per 100,000. These statistics are only proved for lung cancer incidents within men. Lung cancer is so dangerous that we cannot stress it enough. It is estimated that it will be responsible for 13% of new cancer cases as well as 27% of all cancer deaths. Also, that lung cancer will cause about 72,330 deaths among U. S. women compared to the 40,000 who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. The rates of lung cancer are much higher in within African Americans over any other race. The reason behind this is because of the high rates of African American men.

In 2007 the rates of lung cancer in African American men was 33% higher than it was in white men with 101. 2 to 76. 3 cases per 100,000 men. Among women, there was not much of a difference in rates of lung cancer. There were 54. 8 to 54. 7 cases per 100,000 women between African American and white women.

For the mortality rates, African American men had a 28% higher rate than white men that year. There were 87. 5 cases per 100,000 to the 68. 3 per 100,000 in white men. But in women, white women had a higher mortality rate. African American women were 5% lower than among white women.

There were 39.6 cases per 100,000 women in African American women and 41. 6 cases per 100,000 women in white women. http://books. google. com/books? hl=en&lr=&id=3hVf8Ewh8xUC&oi=fnd&pg=PA2&dq=lung+cancer+problems+towards+public +health&ots=a7vzSseW-i&sig=sDVGJVH3jYAyjZPPDJ89v93SXNY#v=onepage&q&f=false http://www. medicalnewstoday. com/info/lung-cancer/ http://www. jco. ascopubs. org/content/early/2012/06/20/JCO. 2012. 42. 6098. abstract http://www. webmd. com/lung-cancer/guide/lung-cancer-causes RUNNING HEADER: Lung Cancer Valoaga 4 http://www. cancer. gov/cancertopics/pdq/prevention/lung/HealthProfessional/.

Lung cancer is defined as abnormal cell tissue that forms in tissues of the lungs. It is estimated that there are 224,210 new cases every year, while the estimated deaths are numbered 1 at 159,260 per year . There are …

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