Insurance matrix

Insurance and Social Assistant programs both provide the same things just under different circumstances. If you have a health insurance plan, then you pay out of pocket for that premium every month. Whether it’d be a private health insurance program, or health insurance obtained from your place of employment. Social Assistant programs are to help people in need, for example: people with low income who can not afford health insurance on their own or people who are disabled and unable to work to receive monthly income. The cost is free to them, and it is nothing to be ashamed of at all.

Medicaid is a form of health insurance that social assistant programs provide, which has different options such as: Family Health Plus, Child Health Plus, and Fidelis. It may sometimes be more difficult finding providers that accept insurance through Social assistant programs versus BlueCross BlueShield, or other health insurance providers. Health insurance is very important and crucial to have, so whether you have a top name insurance provider, or getting insurance through assistant programs it doesn’t matter as long as you have coverage for you and/or your family.

With any type of Insurance there is always going to be a monthly, semi-annually, or annually premium that needs to be paid. Those types of insurances include: Health Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Life Insurance, and last but not least Homeowners Insurance. How the premiums need to be paid every month depends on the policy you have with your lender or agent. In my opinion I believe the two insurances that are a must are: Health Insurance and Auto Insurance. Throughout your life at some point in time you will have an automobile, which means paying for auto insurance to protect you.

Health insurance will always be useful, things happen unexpectedly. You may get injured and have to go the the emergency room, or your doctors at at given time. And to help avoid the high medical expenses health insurance helps you out. Auto and Health insurance are both very beneficial to you, and really there is no reason not to have either of them. Having these two types of insurance really can help give you peace of mind. Automobile Insurance is designed to protect you (the vehicle owner) against any financial risks that are associated with car accidents, or other natural disasters such as a hail storm, wind storm, or even deer.

If you were to be involved in a car accident and had no automobile insurance, you would be held accountable and have to pay out of pocket for all the damages that have been made or injuries that may have occurred. Liability coverage is to protect you from being responsible financially in the event of a car accident. It’s never a bad idea to have collision coverage either, that way if your car gets totaled or damaged you are protected. There are three types of bodily injury protection that go along with automobile insurance as well, and depending on what state you live in either one or all are required to have when taking out a policy.

Some companies such as AllState offer rewards for good drivers, which is a huge plus and attractive feature. Who wouldn’t want to get paid for driving good, and following the rules? Health Insurance is very similar to automobile insurance. Like Automobile insurance health insurance also has the benefit of saving you money. Health insurance is designed to reduce your out of pocket expenses that are related to healthcare. There is also a monthly premium for health insurance as well, sometimes you need to shop around to see what healthcare coverage is best for you and/or your family.

By having health insurance you can go to the doctors, emergency room, urgent care, and depending on your coverage and plan even the eye doctor and dentist as well. Medical bills add up, and can become very expensive if you needed to pay out of pocket, that’s why health insurance is very good to have. Usually with health insurance you don’t have to pay anything but maybe a copay which can range from ten to thirty dollars, or small portion of your prescription medication.

Without having any insurance, you would be responsible to pay 100% of any costs incurred doing anything medical/health related. The “American Journal of Medicine” found that nearly 2/3 of all bankruptcies are linked to illness or medical bills. Which I can see exactly why: If you are hospitalized for a few days, besides tests, bloodwork, and treatment you get charged for the meals, TV, and even the boxes of tissues!

REFERENCES: The American Journal of Medicine: Medical Bankruptcy in the United States 2007: Results of a national study.

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