Insurance Planning

The recent minor car accident of Bob Brown involved a scenario demonstrating the necessity to have sufficient accident insurance on a vehicle. His car was hit from behind, causing him to slam into the car in front of him. His passenger, Ruth, is in need of medical attention and he has damage to the front and rear of his car. The two other cars involved in the chain of events accumulated damage as well.

Bob Brown would like an explanation of his coverage in order to assess how each of his losses may be covered. He will also need information on where to find the total amount of coverage of liability protection for bodily harm and property damage. The first page of the insurance policy of Bob Brown is entitled “Declarations”. On this page, Bob will be able to assess what is actually covered by his insurance company and to what monetary limit he is covered.

The “Declarations” page is an essential analysis of Bob’s insurance policy outlining the coverage and limits for automobile liability insurance for bodily injury and property damage, personal injury protection benefits for medical expenses, uninsured motorists insurance for bodily injury and property damage, auto collision coverage, auto comprehensive coverage, and towing and rental reimbursement services (Auto Insurance Claim Advice, 2009). The medical attention needed for Ruth is defined under personal injury protection for medical expenses.

The amount of protection allotted is dependent upon the type of policy Bob has obtained. For coverage limits, the amount can be as minimal as $1000 per person or as much as $10,000 per person. The damage to Bob’s personal car is defined under auto collision insurance in which Bob can receive repairs up to the actual cash value of his car as determined by the market values of his particular make and model at the time of the accident (Auto Insurance Claim Advice, 2009).

The automobile liability insurance coverage of Bob’s policy is essential for repairing the damage to the car behind him and in front of him if Bob is considered at fault for the accident. The total amount of liability protection for bodily harm and property damage is also outlined, providing Bob with the amount of coverage for bodily harm for each person up to a maximum amount for each occurrence and property damage coverage limits for each occurrence (Auto Insurance Claim Advice, 2009). Conclusion The car accident involving Bob Brown, his passenger, and two other cars demonstrated the necessity for an explanation of Bob’s insurance policy.

The information provided on the “Declarations” page outlines the coverage provided by the auto insurance company and the limits of monetary values associated with medical expenses and repairs to the cars. Bob was able to assess each of his losses and determine the total amount of coverage of liability protection for bodily harm and property damage.


Auto Insurance Claim Advice. (2009). The declarations page. Retrieved March 7, 2009, from http://www. auto-insurance-claim-advice. com/Declarations-Page. html

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