Immune system

1 Promote good handwashing procedures by staff and visitors. Screen/limit visitors who may have infections. 2 Emphasize personal Hygiene 3 Monitor temperature. 4 Reposition frequently; keep linens dry and wrinkle-free 5 Promote adequate rest/exercise periods DEPENDENT: Administer antibiotics as indicated. Monitor white blood count (WBC). Monitor for urinalysis COLLABORATIVE Refer to the dietician Refer to dentist Refer to physician for immunization Refer to physical therapist.

-Protects patient from sources of infection, such as visitors and staff who may have an upper respiratory infection (URI). -Limits potential sources of infection and/or secondary overgrowth -Temperature elevation may occur (if not masked by corticosteroids or antiinflammatory drugs) because of various factors, e. g. , chemotherapy side effects, disease process, or infection. Early identification of infectious process enables appropriate therapy to be started promptly.

-Reduces pressure and irritation to tissues and may prevent skin breakdown (potential site for bacterial growth) -Limits fatigue, yet encourages sufficient movement to prevent stasis complications, e. g. , pneumonia, decubitus, and thrombus formation. -May be used to treat identified infection or given prophylactically in immunocompromised patient. Rising WBC indicates body’s efforts to combat pathogens Helps detect infection -Protective isolation is established to protect the person at risk from pathogens. To determine dietary restrictions.

Helps the cancer patient to avoid dental infection Enhances immunity To prevent upper respiratory infection SHORT TERM After 8 hours on nursing intervention the patient was able to : 1, “Pag may cancer pala kapitin ng infection ” as verbalized by the patient 2, identified and demonstrated interventions like frequent handwashing , oral hygiene GOAL MET LONGTERM: After 3 days of nursing intervention the patient was able to free from any signs of infection as evidence by vital signs with in normal range GOAL MET.

Infectious diseases are generally caused by microbes known as pathogens. Pathogens invade the host and can cause changes in the body that stop parts, or all, of the body working correctly. Pathogens contain antigens that are made of proteins or …

s Disease can be divided in two main groups infections and non-infections. Infectious diseases are diseases that can be spread or transmitted from one organism to another. Non – infectious diseases cannot, be spread from one person to another. Infectious …

Learner to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria. You must provide answers to each question that allow your assessor to properly assess what work duties you are doing or what role you have within your …

Tuberculosis, also known as “The White Plague” is a very infectious disease. About 1/3 of the world’s population is believed to be infected with tuberculosis (around 2 billion people). Although numbers of tuberculosis cases are decreasing, the disease should still …

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