How to react to cholera outbreaks

Cholera can break out in any part of the world as long as that area lacks any of the following: food safety, sanitation, water supplies and proper hygiene. Some of the greatest risks are those ones that may be brought on by refugee settings in which drinking water may not be safe. Additionally, it is also common to find these outbreaks in populated settings or crowded communities. Such characteristics are quite common in Africa. In the event that a cholera outbreak occurs in any area, there are three major issues that have to be handled at nay one time and they include;

1)Disposal of human waste properly 2)Ensure adequate supply of cleaning water to residents 3)Maintain hygienic standards when tackling the disease The second item on the latter list is what has been given special attention in the paper. If the continent of Africa can find a way of dealing with safe drinking after during and before cholera outbreaks, then it would not have to waste numerous resources to deal with the aftermath of the problem that may result in death or otherwise. Instead, this continent can adopt a preventive approach to the disease by offering their people safe drinking water.

When worse goes to worst; i. e. when there is a cholera outbreak, then there should be more emphasis on what can be done to deal with the root cause of the condition i. e. through provision of safe drinking water. This can be achieved through the use of the latter mentioned device. (Zuckerman et al, 2004) It should be noted that there are many scenarios in which people have coped with the disease through the administration of drugs; normally this is done through the help of a certain antibiotic.

On the other hand, this method is quite individualistic in nature and not all people may be able to afford it. Once again, the weaknesses inherent in the use of antibiotics can be countered through preventive mass treatment aimed at targeting the overall nature of the disease is the best way. In fact, health experts say that using antibiotics to prevent cholera is not an effective method and should never be attempted.

Cholera outbreaks can cause a number of restrictions on the populations under consideration. The first and most drastic effect is death. Different portions of the report shall reveal the number of cholera related deaths that have occurred within the continent …

Diseases can be defined as an abnormal condition that makes a person or country ill. It is usually accompanied by some type of signs or symptoms and some types of risk factors that it is originated from. This usually is …

Diseases can be defined as an abnormal condition that makes a person or country ill. It is usually accompanied by some type of signs or symptoms and some types of risk factors that it is originated from. This usually is …

Cholera, aka Asiatic Cholera or epidemic cholera, is an infectious disease of the gastrointestinal tract caused by the Vibrio cholerae bacterium. From the family Vibrionaceae, the bacterium is characterized as a gram-negative rod. As with other gram-negative rods, Vibrio cholerae …

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