Hospitality industry

Contract Catering
Starting a business in the hospitality industry is a great as the industry promises a bright future for anyone who looking to start a career in this sector, the undergraduates looking to go into selecting for hotel management career course, they need to be a very social person and understanding the different needs of the people. The great thing about the hospitality industry because not everybody enjoys the same services or food, so as an sector which is based on identify people different needs and being able to provide them with a suitable affordable services including food of their choice, some customer like going on holiday on a budget which means nothing to expensive just somewhere to relax their heads but certain customer might want to dress up and going out to eat somewhere expensive including having drinks served by a waiters , as the hospitality industry growths which means everyday there is new issues being developed which really effects the industry. The industry is always looking for new ways to interact with different customer, in this part of the essay I will underline some points which I believe will affect the industry while still trying to grow, the problem will include employment and retaining skilled labour, demographics and lack of importance being shown into preparation and satisfaction.

The increasing level of construction cost which is a massive issues, the price its cost to hire a construction company is really expensive and those prices would affect the number of hotels being built in the industry, another issues which attacks the industry in the weather and finding the perfect location. Another issues effecting the industry is that people taste change every single day, so as the industry is based on pleasing their client, the industry needed to be trend and looking for new ways to be head of the competition from other associate industry like the travel and tourism industry. The uprising of the internet has influence a lot of factors in everything humans, from asking advice about the latest weather or the best organisation any industry, the internet has made things so simple. ‘’With transparency and social media today, there are no secrets anymore, as soon as you disappoint a customer, that’s when they are going to take to social media.” (Revinate’s Michelle Wohl told HuffPost Travel), as some might call it but the internet guidance has become so powerful that every single organisation have to walk everything they do in the business and making sure that they are always on the last trends in the world. For example everywhere you can go in Europe, you will able to find a WIFI connection in every single restaurants, banks and shopping hall. Something very small like WIFI if its missing in one hotel will be a huge problem and some customer will blog about it on the internet stating the incident over and over again “If we do something right, that goes to 1,000 people; if we do something wrong, that goes to thousands.”(John Bowen, Dean of the Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management), the internet also have hotel reviews where customer can post their experience on the net.

‘’During the past ten years, many of the most successful companies have utilized technology to facilitate communication through social networking’’ (, the net has become so personal and intimate Holiday Inn Holiday Inn is an Hotel chain part InterContinental Hotels Group started by Kemmons Wilson who got the idea from going to a family road trip to Washington D.C and its said he was disappoint by the absence of good quality and stability provide by the roadside so he brought his idea to light and Holiday Inn was born, its written that holiday Inn has ‘’It is one of the world’s largest hotel chains with 434,357 bedrooms and 3,414 hotels globally’’ (, a quarter of the hotels are in UK only, the successful has being great because it has offerable room prices, the hotel has every single facilities needed to please different types of customers. In this part of the essay I will investigating the company S.W.O.T (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats). Strengths- Holidays Inn is now a well-known brand and the brand is recognised by millions in the world, the company has their own television company in country music and that helps the company name branch out. The hotel provides many different type of facilities in their hotel from poolside, spas, gym and all night customer services, the hotel has different type of hotel facilities depending on the locations and those brand are: Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites- These hotel offer all the facilities and services as the normal Holidays Inn however contain of rooms varies with collections.

Holiday Inn Resort – These hotel has all the facilities but with addition of a full services holiday which is 24/7hr services.

Holiday Inn Sunspree Resorts –The hotels provide all full services facilities and deluxe service, plus these hotel are larger and bigger hotels.

Holiday Inn Express – The Hotel are smaller version of the Holidays Inn hotels with less facilities and services because of its size and location.

Holiday Inn are very well known for looking after their guest, they provide all free facilities for children under 18 can stay for free and also have a meals for free, the company is always good at offering promotions and discounts on holiday terms. They offer a best prices guarantee schemes for their booking guest or first visit stay is free. Holiday Inn with IHG became the first company to commit to offer guest internet for all their loyalty members worldwide. The whole purpose of Holiday Inn Hotel is based on Family trips, they all about making sure all customers are treated the same including fairly that is why the company has won many awards for their
contribution within the industry. Holiday Inn also played a huge part in London Olympics 2012, they provide free accommodation for many athletics who took part in the game.

Weakness- In 2009 around 300 Holiday Inn franchise owner were in danger of losing their franchise licence Holiday Inn hotels so which result a lot of Holiday Inn shutting down. In the past 10 years the media has wrote stories the hotel for their lack of strong security and there past incidents which happily didn’t ruin the hotel reputation.

Opportunities- Holiday Inn chain is growing, which mean great opportunities for employments, and the industry is investing big money on building new business aboard in addition branching out and working with different sectors from varies industry. The hotel industry is sector which will never stop growing because people are always to be travelling and wanting to visit new places, so staying away from home is always the best option for certain customers and that is where Holiday Inn will always have a part to play within the industry. Threats- There are so many threats within the industry, every single there is a new hotel opening who are trying to change the market up. The economic is always changing which means people don’t have money to get away and spend a night in a hotel, the tourism market is never same so hotel owner can’t expect to have the same money coming in every single months which means the month were customers are not coming to stay, the hotel has to spending money hotel facilities making sure things are always working even if they isn’t any guest in the hotel.

The Hospitality industry is forever changing and these days I believe if you aren’t social messaging about your hotel then, it’s a perfect time to start, guest are more successful getting their issues across or trying to getting the answer from social networks like twitter/Facebook than actually calling the hotels from desk office . “With transparency and social media today, there are no secrets anymore, as soon as you disappoint a customer, that’s when they are going to take to social media.” (Revinate’s Michelle Wohl told HuffPost Travel) There will be a major competition between hotels because of
prices range, online website like last, and Expedia both website makes it so possible to be shopping for the cheaper deals in the industry from the cheaper hotels to the experience hotels. The biggest competition among hotels, say industry leaders, has become price, thanks to online travel agencies like Orbitz and Expedia that make it easy to shop for cheapest accommodations so that is a good point aswell a bad point because hotels cannot control what is written about the hotels in the review page of these websites so hotel onwers will need to invest in major changes to make sure the hotel is always getting services and good feedbacks so by creating new ideas from an very unusual places like example of Kaye Chon who is the dean of the school of Hotel and Tourism Management he describes saying ‘’ new concept created at his school, a hotel lounge that offers luggage storage, showers and snacks to long-haul visitors who arrive in the morning — a common thing in Asia’’, ideas like that will help the hotel industry grow into ” innovations like these are bound to become more common as the travel business continues to grow ” (Kaye Chon) As the technology is rapidly growing as well, it’s a good opportunities for hospitality industry to really get creativity with the travel and tourism industry, it will help give consumers reason to travel the world more, by able to connect with the consumer in a personal level which they feel the need to use the hotel services again and again, Apple has taken over the world, there is different apps to download and many ways to communication with people from around the world so hotel should use that opportunity to invest in their marketing departments which will help the industry grow for the best.


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