Hookah – Tobacco

Specific Purpose : To inform my audience about the effects of smoking shisha. Central Idea : Smoking shisha can lead to lung cancer, affect pregnant women and spread infections of tuberculosis or hepatitis. INTRODUCTION I. Shisha refers to: A. Flavored tobacco used in the smoking process using a hookah. B. Also known as “Hubble Bubble” and “Narghile” C. When the tobacco is soaked in fruits shavings such as apples, grapes and strawberries. II. Taking an average session of smoking shisha: A. Typically lasts more than 40 minutes B.

Consists of 50 to 200 inhalations that each range from 0. 15 to 0. 50 liters of smoke. C. Users consume about 100 to 200 times the volume of smoke cigarette in an hour of smoking shisha session. III. I’ve done a research on smoking shisha: A. The chemical composition of cigarette smoke and shisha smoke are different. B. The potential of health effects of shisha smoke are expected to be very different. IV. Today, I would like to share with all of you about smoking shisha can lead to lung cancer, wrinkled skin and spread infections of tuberculosis or hepatitis.

BODY I. Smoking shisha can lead to lung cancer. A. The charcoal used to heat tobacco in the Shisha pipes increases the health risks. 1. Even after it has passed through water, the smoke produced by a Shisha contains high levels of toxic mixtures, including carbon monoxide, heavy metals, and cancer-causing chemicals. 2. Shisha tobacco and smoke contain numerous toxic substances known to cause lung, bladder, and oral cancers. B. Irritation from exposure to tobacco juices increases the risk of developing oral cancers.

1. The irritation by tobacco juice products is likely to be greater among Shisha smokers than among pipe or cigar smokers because Shisha smoking is normally practiced (with or without inhalation) more often and for longer periods of time. II. Smoking shisha can affect pregnant women. A. Since a mother and her fetus have connected blood systems. 1. Cancer-causing chemicals such as tobacco can pass through the placenta, the tissue and blood vessels which sustain the baby. 2.

As a result, it can then travel through the umbilical cord and into the body of a developing baby. Hence when you smoke during pregnancy. i. The woman could have a miscarriage or stillbirth. ii. The baby could be born too small or too soon. B. When a non-smoking pregnant woman breathes in passive smoke, it will also affect the unborn child. 1. Hence, it is important for both the pregnant woman and her significant others, e. g. spouse, to quit smoking so as to lessen the risk of their baby being affected. 2.

Both parents should seek to create a smoke-free surroundings for the new born baby to ensure that he/she does not suffer from many short and long-term health problems pass through the placenta, the tissue and blood vessels which sustain the baby. III. Smoking shisha can spread infections of tuberculosis. A. Prone to infection. 1. Shisha pipes used in shisha bars and cafes may not be cleaned properly, risking the spread of infectious diseases. 2. The pipe is not sanitized well and the water inside the apparatus had not been changed. i.

When going into a Shisha bar, they do change the mouthpiece, but the tube of the pipe and the water is not being changed. Smokers still have water in the container where the bacteria can resides. B. Shisha can spread Tuberculosis and every user should know this. 1. Having this Shisha fix can bring you together with your friends, or colleagues. 2. To some, smoking Shisha is a culture, they do it together and they enjoy it together. CONCLUSION I. In a conclusion, there are effects in smoking shisha. II. A lot of people do not realize the effects of smoking shisha. III.

The effects of smoking shisha are. A. It can lead to lung cancer. B. Can affect pregnant women. C. Can spread tuberculosis.

RERERENCES The Effects of Smoking Shisha. (2007, March 24). Retrieved April 10, 2012, from Health And Fitness: http://be-healthy. blogspot. com/2007/03/effects-of-smoking-shisha. html Shisha Smoking Increases Tuberculosis Risk. (2011). Retrieved April 17, 2012, from Quit Shisha: http://www. quitshisha. com/effects-of-shisha/tuberculosis-caused-by-shisha. html Hookah. (2012, April 10). Retrieved April 11, 2012, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Hookah.

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