Marijuana scientifically known as Cannabis Sativa is a chemical substance that has its effect on the central nervous system (the brain of a person) it is also known as Ganja in Jamaica a country where it is grown as cash crop. Marijuana is illegal in some countries while in other it is legal and is sold in markets. The following discussion seeks to analyze what is this substance marijuana, its methods of consumption, its effects both health wise and on the environment and its various issues.
Most importantly we are going to analyze the legal controversy surrounding this drug and why it is legal in some countries while in others it completely outlawed (Joseph, R. 85-88). History The first evidence of the existence of marihuana dates back in the 3rd Millennium Before Christ (BC). This is according to many years of research by scientists. According to the research the very first people to use Marijuana were the Nepal People and the Hindus from India. Marijuana was also used by the Assyrians for carrying out religious rituals.
As a matter of fact according to the research marijuana was used by the early Christians and the Jews as a religious sacrament (Oursler, W. 40). Today however Cannabis which is the other name for marijuana is used for recreation and it is normally on a very high demand in the western countries. In the United States of America marijuana is the considered as the most economical and highly demanded cash crop contributing more than 36 billion dollars in the market.
Perhaps due to its high demand marijuana is one of the most expensive drugs ranging between 2-14 dollars per gramme. Medical Use Marijuana has for a long time been used as a curative drug. However it is important to note that it is not used in its raw form. One of the chemicals that make up marijuana known as THC has been medically recommended for a number of uses in the field of medicine.
After a lengthy research that was conducted by scientist the Food and Drugs Administration in the United States recommended the use of Marijuana for treatment of cancer and cancer related ailments. It is also used in the treatment of HIV and influenza. However in many parts of Europe and Netherlands in particular there has not yet been approval for the use of smoked marijuana as a curative drug. Marijuana is also used to relieve vomiting and nausea, weight loss and the anorexia condition.
Cannabis has also been approved in easing pain and more particularly pain that come from neurogenic related ailments, glaucoma and asthma (John, K. 78-90). An American organization that advocates for the use of marijuana as a means of treatment carried quite an extensive research which revealed that Marijuana is fit for treatment of HIV and cancer. According to the research patients who suffer from depressions emanating from clinical operations, weight loss due to nausea can have their ailments relieved through use of Marijuana.