Tetrahydrocannabinol & Cannabis

Cannabis is one of the most commonly used drugs in the UK. Cannabis is derived from various parts of cannabis plant. There are a group of chemicals called cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant which are responsible for producing the typical symptoms related to cannabis. Out of these chemicals, the most important chemical responsible for producing characteristic psychoactive symptoms related to cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The main drugs which are derived from cannabis include marijuana and hashish (Hall, 2006).

Low doses of cannabis can produce a sense of well-being and a state of relaxation. It can also affect the person’s ability to think and coordinate. Thus driving or working under the affect of cannabis can result in accidents. Higher doses can result in greater amount of intoxication affecting the person’s ability to think, his motor and sensory functioning, resulting in impaired memory and attention span, altered sense of self-identity and hallucinations. It can result in reduced infertility in both males and females.

Long term use of cannabis can result in development of dependence and tolerance to the drug in long term. In a study by Hall (2006), it was shown that Individuals who regularly used cannabis (more than weekly) were at increased risk of developing psychosis or psychiatric symptoms in long term. The risk of development of psychosis was more especially if an individual had a family history of psychosis making him genetically vulnerable to develop psychosis. Individuals regularly using cannabis are often observed to be abusing other drugs (heroin, cocaine, etc) as well.

Marijuana is a commonly used form of cannabis and mainly comprises of the dried leaves and flowering tops of the cannabis plant. Marijuana is usually smoked in form of cigarettes. The most commonly used street names for marijuana are pot, grass or reefer. One form of marijuana having a strong potency is known as sinsemilla (USDOJ, 2005). This form of marijuana is derived from unpollinated female cannabis plants. It has a high potency due to presence of high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol. Use of marijuana is typically associated with increased desire for food, especially that for sweet food.

Individuals smoking marijuana often experience health problems similar to those experienced by individuals who smoke tobacco. This includes lung diseases like bronchitis, asthma, emphysema etc (USDOJ, 2005). Long term use of marijuana can result in impairment of motor and sensory skills, reduced fertility, hallucinations, lack of motivation etc. Hashish is composed of resinous residue of cannabis plant which is collected, dried and compressed into a variety of shapes which can then be smoked (USDOJ, 2005).

The study and of the effects of cannabis as with most drugs, has been ambiguous and controversial. Numerous assertions have been made claiming it has very negative effects for example, in the 1930’s American officials began claiming that cannabis causes …

The pros and cons of using marijuana as medicine can be established from a quote from page 63 of the book Marijuana, Noah Berlatsky, book editor, which has an excerpt from Bill McCarberg’s book “Marijuana and Pain Management” saying “Numerous …

Cannabis is a naturally occurring substance that can act as a relaxant and mild hallucinogenic. Cannabis can be smoked with or without tobacco, filtered through water, cooled or inhaled using all manner of drug paraphernalia, or eaten. The Labour Government …

Cannabis is the most widely used drug by people nowadays, and it has different names. It is also known as herbal, marijuana, ganja, weed, hashish, bhang, spliff, and bud. It is produced from parts of the cannabis sativa plant. There …

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