High Teenage Pregnancy In Lambeth

In today’s society, sex is a taboo. Many parents feel uneasy talking to their children about the facts of life. Many schools do not teach sex education, and if they do they skim through it concisely. This means many adolescents are ignorant when it comes to knowledge of sex. In result there are many teenage pregnancies. There are many other factors, which contribute to the high level of teenage pregnancies. E. g. Many teenagers are thrown out of their abode or they choose to leave on their own accord. Some or if not all housing agencies have first priority to those who are pregnant or have children.

Some teenagers feel the only way they can get a flat to live in is to get pregnant. In order to try and resolve this problem there should be no first priority, those who are homeless should be found a home as soon as possible therefore teenage girls would not have to get pregnant specifically for a place to reside. Contraception should be available free of charge for those teenagers who feel they are mature enough to make a commitment. It is a likelihood that if the contraception is free they will use it whereas if it has to be paid for then they probably will not buy it because of the shortage in cash.

Many males feel that their social status will rise if the amount of girls they have they have had sex with is immeasurable. All I have to say about that issue is males, who have that tendency, need to put a whole new perspective on their life and before they take their genitals out their boxers they need to grow up. Many girls who enter a sexual relationship ask for trouble because they cannot differentiate between genuine commitment and crafty use of charms to get a quick release. From looking at some of the problems which add to high levels of teenage pregnancies.

You cannot point the finger at one particular group of people; the government, parents and the teenagers all play a role in the problem. What needs to done now; Although sex education is in the national curriculum it needs to be taught in more detail, preferably from the age of ten. Also centres need to be built where teenagers can pick up advice relating to sexual relations, problems or frustrations. Also the life that teenage mothers lead needs to be emphasized. I say this because if other teenagers see the life they lead they will think long and hard about the consequences and think twice about leaping between the sheets.

It would also help for parents to talk to their children about the facts of life, many children trust their parents more than any other people so if it comes from the parents then it is a strong possibility that they will take heed to what you are saying. Final Thought. The best contraception a teenager can have is abstinence, but if they feel they want to engage in sexual relations there is nothing you can do but give them all the information they need to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies and STDs. This can be achieved slowly but surely if the topics above are carried out.

Everyone in touch with the society and aware of national current events would know that teenage or adolescent pregnancy has been one of the persistent problem in the United States. It has been noted that during the recent years, there …

Teen pregnancy remains one of the most serious social issues. Teenage pregnancy is caused by different factors, but it is more important to reconsider the consequences of teenage pregnancy and their impact on the lives of young mothers and their …

Teenage pregnancy and sexual transmitted infections along with HIV/AIDS are very important issues in adolescences life, and it has become important that issues like these should be discussed with them, so that they make the right choices in life. Young …

One should not underestimate a young person’s ability to see some of the complexities in the range of issues including sexual behavior. Whether debating the failures of abstinence-only sex education, the “morning after pill,” abortion, or parental notification rights, viewpoints …

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