Herceptin or Trastuzumab

Herceptin or Trastuzumab (chemical name) is said to be a very successful treatment against the Her2- breast cancer in women. Women in stage 2, 3 or 4 of breast cancer use this drug. This drug is injected in the vein once a week or once every two to three weeks depending on the how much the cancer has spread. Also known as targeted therapy, Herceptin targets cancer in breasts which make too much Her2 Protein. It is also called immune treatment as it is made up of immune system, like antibody which helps in stopping the Her2 protein in cancer cell.

This blockage of protein stops the increase of Her 2 cancer cells. Around one of four breast cancers are diagnosed as Her2 positive. Her2 negative breast cancer tends to be less aggressive than Her2 Positive breast cancer. In the early stage of cancer Herceptin tends to be most effective. It can • Reduce and even clear out cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. • Reduces cancer in breasts before surgery • Lessens the risk of cancer coming back after the patient had surgery.

The US Food and Drug administration has approved Herceptin for: • Her2 Positive cancer women • Women who have Her2 positive disease in the early stage. The History of Herceptin Herceptin started in 1970, when researchers started using tools of molecular biology to locate genes that start different cancers. One researcher discovered the Her2, which intended the making of a protein which caused cancer in mice. Dr Dennis Slamon in the late 1980’s showed that how aggressive different kinds of breast cancers were associated to copies of Her2 Gene.

The fastest spreading breasts cancers depended on the linkage to copies of Her2 gene. Her2 proteins were produced by these tumors. Dr Dennis also said if the Her2 receptors are linked with the spreading of breast cancer, than a drug can stop the action of the receptors which may slow down and even stop the spreading of the cancer. He persuaded the researchers at a drug company to make an antibiotic which could specially target the HER2 receptors.

These antibiotics grab on to the Her2 proteins and stop them from getting signals which makes them grow. The drug also makes the immune system stronger so that it can destroy the cancer cells. After testing the drug the result showed it had a positive effect on the Her2 receptors by slowing the process and even stopping it. These tests led to the US Food and Drug Administration approving Herceptin to treat women with cancer. Than in 2006 the FDA approved it as a treatment after surgery. This drug gave women a very important treatment option.

Cancer cell tend to increase in an uncontrollable way. To slow and stop the expansion of cancer, Herceptin is used which stops the chemical signals needed for the cancer to grow. There is DNA in every cell which consists of …

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There are many different types of breast cancer. For example, breast cancer can begin in different areas of the breast like the ducts, the lobules, or in some cases, the tissue in between. In this essay I will explain the …

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