Heart rate fell gradually

If my heart before exercise decreases then the heart rate after exercise should also decrease. This means, by being more fit, the heart should beat less after an exercise as the blood will flow more easily around the body when there’s less fat. The recovery rate is the time it took for the heart to return back to its normal beats before the exercise. To measure if I am getting fitter, this is another way to check if I have improved; the rate should decrease. By analyzing the graph, my recovery rate decreased by average of one minute at the end of the 6 weeks.

This graph shows the bleep test level I have achieved. Before the exercise program, I achieved a level 12 and at the end I got a level 16. This is one of the biggest proofs that I have improved after 6 weeks of intense workout. This graph shows my resting heart rate before the first bleep test and before the last bleep test, in other words my resting heart rate before and after the P. E. P program. As you can see, my heart rate fell from 78 bpm to 64 bpm. This is another sign that I am fitter as my heart beats less to pump the blood around the body.

This graph shows my heart rate after the bleep tests. From the graph you can see that my HR decreased which meant that I was fitter in the 6th week. Evaluation: To conclude the P. E. P, I have found out that I have improved significantly throughout the six weeks. The way I have found out that I have improved is by recording my results and finding patterns/signs of improvement e.g. I was doing more press ups each week. This achieves one of my targets as I my muscle endurance improved.

My heart rate has shown a significant improvement, as the weeks went on my body adjusted to its new demands and changes and my heart was able to keep up with this so my resting HR was lower at the end of the six weeks than what it was at the start this is also true for my HR after exercise. My recovery rate has also speed up allowing my body to recover quicker and enhance its performance.

From this I can tell that my fitness has significantly improved because it requiring less effort from my heart to get blood around and this also shows that my blood is flowing more freely throughout my body. During the 6 Weeks of my PEP my stamina and my muscular endurance has gradually increased as will. In my first Bleep test I really found it hard to run so I only got to level 12, at the end of my PEP when I done the bleep test again I found it easier to run, I had really improved a lot gradually from level 12 to level 16. The bleep test was challenging yet enjoyable trying to beat my previous score I think if I had another 6 weeks I would rise up to level 20.

My School lessons were about improving my muscular endurance by doing a circuit. My first circuit was mentally easy for me because I always train my upper body in strength at home or gym. I knew my muscular endurance was good so I was really looking forward to it .My first muscular endurance circuit went fine and every week after I kept improving. I improved most on weights and press ups, set ups and skipping but was disappointed with my squat thrust and if given a chance I would look to improve my squat thrust.

I overloaded by attending every gym classes after school sessions and attending every practical lesson for example in muscular endurance I decreased the rest before each stations to overload and progress in my fitness I also increased my time in over all work out. If I was give a chance to improve another aspect of improving performance I would do speed and controlling the ball as I’m slow at running and as a defender pace is vitally important and controlling is even more important as defender.

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I do not think that my demand for oxygen was increased prior to the commencement of the test because I really wasn’t nervous or anticipant which for other people may have led to their heart rate to increase even before …

To find the difference in heart rate recovery times after exercise between males and females in a first year, level 3 BTEC class. Abstract: This experiment was carried out to see if there was a difference in heart rate recovery …

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