Heart Disease Prevention

Exercise is the one of the best ? and most enjoyable ? ways of lowering the chances of developing heart disease. Regular exercise helps the heart to become stronger, so it can pump more blood around the body with less effort. Smoking avoidance not only reduces the risk of developing heart disease, but also the risk of many other serious illnesses, like cancer and emphysema. High blood pressure increases the chances of developing heart disease. There are usually no signs or symptoms of high blood pressure, so one may not be aware of having it.

Therefore this needs to be checked with the doctor regularly. Alcohol avoidance is another preventive step to prevent heart diseases. People who drink heavily are more likely to die of heart disease than those who do not. Therefore, alcohol consumption should be in moderation. Eating habits are another important factor. Eating well can also help prevent heart disease. No one food can provide all the nutrition you need, so one must eat from a variety of foods every day from the following four food groups: 1. Bread, other cereals and potatoes 2. fruits and vegetables 3. low-fat milk and dairy foods 4. Meat, fish and alternatives such as beans and lentils.

Although the heart is designed to last one well for one’s whole life, but one must take care of it and follow the healthy life style measures and steps as discussed above. Types of Heart Diseases Summary: The main focus of this paper is to highlight the types of heart diseases Heart disease is a name given to a variety of conditions that affect the performance of the heart. Important examples of heart disease include: 1. ANGINA, in which there is poor blood circulation to the heart, 2.

HEART ATTACK, in which there is death of part of the heart muscle, and 3. ARRHYTHMIA, in which the rate or rhythm of the heart-beat is abnormal. 4. ATHEROSCLEROSIS, in which the arteries harden. It is a build up of cholesterol and other fat substances within the walls of the arteries. Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease and can develop in any artery in the body. It is a common disorder of the arteries 5. RHEUMATIC, this was formerly one of the most serious forms of heart disease of childhood and adolescence. This disease involves damage to the entire heart and its membranes.

It is a complication of rheumatic fever and usually occurs after attacks of rheumatic fever. The incidence of this condition has been greatly reduced by widespread use of antibiotics effective against the streptococcal bacterium that causes rheumatic fever. 6. MYOCARDITIS, it’s the inflammation or degeneration of the heart muscle. This can be due to a complication during or after various viral, bacterial, or parasitic infectious diseases, such as polio, influenza, rubella, or rheumatic fever. This can be caused by several diseases such as syphilis, goiter, endocarditis, or hypertension.

It may be associated with dilation (enlargement due to weakness of the heart muscle) or with hypertrophy (overgrowth of the muscle tissue). Heart Disease Alternative Therapy Summary: The aim of this paper is the discussion on Heart Disease Alternative Therapy. The various Alternative Therapies available to prevent/cure heart diseases are as follows: Acupuncture : This is Chinese Therapy, it offers valuable therapeutic benefits for stroke patients. The patients are evaluated by three measurement systems: the Motor Assessment Scale for stroke patients, Sunnaas Index of ADL and Nottingham Health Profile.

The patients opting for acupuncture record a significantly improved quality of life as compared to other patients following only the normal controlled therapy. The results of acupuncture therapy indicate that acupuncture gives an additive therapeutic benefit when given to stroke patients during their rehabilitation programme. A significantly better neurologic outcome is reported in the acupuncture therapy with no side effects apart from slight dizziness. Common Herb Research: Common herbs used in the kitchen including garlic, ginger and even green tea, can be very potent medicines.

Since ages herbs have been used for their health-promoting and medicinal effects. Infact, many modern drugs contain, or are based upon, herb and plant extracts. However, in recent years, researchers have focused their attention on various common herbs which have been shown to possess hypolipidemic, antiplatelet, antitumor, or immune-stimulating properties. The researchers believe that some of these herbs may be useful adjuncts in helping prevent and treat chronic degenerative diseases including cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Many of the herbs contain potent antioxidant compounds that provide significant protection against chronic diseases. These compounds may protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation, inhibit cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase enzymes, inhibit lipid peroxidation, or have antiviral or antitumor activity. The volatile essential oils of commonly used culinary herbs, spices, and herbal teas inhibit mevalonate synthesis and thereby suppress cholesterol synthesis and tumor growth. Other Therapies available include Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Sunshine Remedy and Vegetarianism.

Exercise is the one of the best ? and most enjoyable ? ways of lowering the chances of developing heart disease. Regular exercise helps the heart to become stronger, so it can pump more blood around the body with less …

Exercise is the one of the best ? and most enjoyable ? ways of lowering the chances of developing heart disease. Regular exercise helps the heart to become stronger, so it can pump more blood around the body with less …

Introduction I. Millions of americans suffer from heart disease. II. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women III. About 600,000 people die of heart disease each year in the United States. WE …

Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. There are many factors that contribute to the causes of heart disease. Within these factors there are two categories, which are factors you cannot change and those that …

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