Heart Disease

Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948. Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study.

Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body. There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200.

The reason they chose Framingham is because stability. They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham.

Studies started in 1948. Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family membersHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham. Studies started in 1948.

Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study. Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body.

There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ). Cholesterol level should be around 200. The reason they chose Framingham is because stability.

They were around all the time. The purpose of this study was to collect studies of heart attacks. ghghggrhgrhglhhgslhglhglgdhgljgreigrhighrldsalkhglhglhglhgsl- hgdksldghklagsl;khdgshlgksdlgdklhsagdshlkgdklhsdhgklsgdhksdgkhslghdklsgdhksl- ghdklhgqhgoqhghdsagdhklsvklcnvnwwghgrhlgkhghklghlThoihgwghri- aghiorhgorehgoreghorhgohgrwoihgoihgllkvlkgrigherefor this essay is all about heart disease. hoghoregherhroehoerhgoerhgoirhgiorghrehgorehrego. gghr;ghorehgreohgrehgre. rgehgrhgraHEART DISEASE NOTES Video was made outside of Boston in Framingham.

Studies started in 1948. Heart disease is # 1 killer in U. S. It starts squeezing your heart, and you feel a sharp point. 1/2 the people in the U. S. die with it, and 80% die from it. More men have it and more women die from it. Every minute heart disease kills someone in the U. S. Half the deaths in the U. S. population die by heart disease. Get tightness in the throat. Cholesterol is most deadly. Smoking hardens the arteries. High cholesterol equals high blood pressure. In 1971 only family members of the patience being studied were allowed in on the study.

Cholesterol is a normal ingredient in the body. There are two types of cholesterol HDL which is good, LDL which is bad. Important dates: 1948(this is when the studies started), 1957(anagrams were invented), 1961, 1965, 1971, 1989-1990(they were making pictures, made to see what was going on in the inside of the coronary artery), 1987(found a pill to lower Cholesterol and it took 7 years to see if it worked), 1994(trial to take Stattin to decrease chance of Cholesterol. this is what all doctors have been waiting for. ).

Introduction I. Millions of americans suffer from heart disease. II. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women III. About 600,000 people die of heart disease each year in the United States. WE …

The heart is the organ that supplies blood and oxygen to all parts of the body. The heart is located in the chest cavity just posterior to the breastbone, between the lungs and superior to the diaphragm. The heart is …

Discuss the reasons for the global distribution of heart disease. Consider: “h The nature of Coronary Heart Disease. What is it? “h The Global distribution of Coronary Heart Disease. “h The likely causes for this – include diet, smoking, lack …

Smoking is a deadly habit to keep, literally. Smoking along with other contributing factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol can cause chronic diseases. One disease that has been the number one killer of men and women in the …

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