Healthy people 2020 indicator

A Healthy People 2020 health indicator for this community is access to health care and a nursing role that can positively affect this indicator is education on the importance of having regular check-ups. The nurse can also inform the uninsured and low income families of the facilities that have free medical care and screenings. This indicator is very important to the family in my community because of the number of people who do not have jobs and who are not able to afford to have medical insurance for themselves and children.

Partnership & cultural diversity The community health partnership that can assist with diagnosis and Healthy People 2020 indicator is the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. This agency offers a lot of free services to individuals in the community. At this location there are various resources available to help people get back to being independent and self-sufficient.

There are a lot of Hispanic and Latinos in the community that my chosen family resides in. Some of the challenges for these individuals are: “lack of legal residence documentation; the fear of being deported; not qualifying for health care and other services due to residency requirements, language barriers, low income which limits access to health care; and lack of health awareness”(Dillion, 2011, p. 8. ) In order for the community health nurse to be cultural competent, awareness and respect has to be followed in all cultures. Cultural diversity can create many challenges in community health. Some of those issues are as following: different beliefs, different health practices, and cultural biases. The community nurse must be educated about the various cultures and set aside all biases.

Based on the health indicators specified by the Healthy People 2010 programs, there is a need to develop programs that are able to address related issues comprehensively. Addressing infant mortality corresponds both to the two overarching goals of the program …

However it is important to note that, due to poor income people in low socio economic groups cannot afford fruit and vegetables which tend to be expensive therefore they are bound to purchase cheap fatty foods that are economically viable …

Health for young is defined holistically, which places solid emphasis on their relationships and emotions and how they feel. Health is not just about being physically well or being ill. The environment, too, is viewed as crucial through its impact …

1. Cancer Goal: Reduce the number of new cancer cases, as well as the illness, disability, and death caused by cancer. WE WILL WRITE A CUSTOM ESSAY SAMPLE ON ANY TOPIC SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU FOR ONLY $13.90/PAGE Write my sample …

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