Healthy People 2010 Objectives

Based on the health indicators specified by the Healthy People 2010 programs, there is a need to develop programs that are able to address related issues comprehensively. Addressing infant mortality corresponds both to the two overarching goals of the program which is to increase quality and years of healthy life and eliminate health disparities (Healthy People 2010, 2004). However, it is the latter goal that is the issue directly related to the objective of this paper to develop a health education program to decrease infant mortality.

This supports the Healthy People 2010 primarily focus area 16, Maternal, Infant, and Child Health as well as focus area 1, Access to Quality Health Services; focus area 11, Health Communication; and focus area 17, Educational and Community-Based Programs. The objectives also coincides with Stanhope and Lancaster’s (2003) research for the need to develop professional and social interventions that respond to social changes and conditions that contribute to the prevalence of health risks.

In relation to infant mortality, there is environmental quality; immunization and access to health care directly affect the child while the other factors affect the child through parents, primary care providers and family. Among the indicators the identified are physical activity, overweight and obesity, tobacco use, substance abuse, responsible sexual behavior, mental health, injury and violence, environmental quality, immunization and access to health care.

Though the last three health issues are the only concerns that directly affect the infant, the other issues can severely compromise maternal, prenatal and neonatal health (Patel et al, 2001). Experience from implementation of programs considering from the conclusion of the studies conducted by the independent studies by the CPHN (2003), Blakely and his associates (2003), Avchen and her associates (2001) and that of Friedman, Bowden and Jones, have highlighted that infant mortality related health issues are related to adult health conditions .

For example, tobacco and substance abuse has been seen as a factor that comprises the immunity of infants. At the same time, parents who have health issues related to mental health, sexual behavior, mental health and violence lack the essential parenting skills to protect and care for children.

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