Healthy People

1. Cancer

Goal: Reduce the number of new cancer cases, as well as the illness, disability, and death caused by cancer.

Overview: Continued advances in cancer research, detection, and treatment have resulted in a decline in both incidence and death rates for all cancers. Among people who develop cancer, more than half will be alive in 5 years. Yet, cancer remains a leading cause of death in the United States, second only to heart disease.

Important to Healthy people: The cancer objectives for Healthy People 2020 support monitoring trends in cancer incidence, mortality, and survival to better assess the progress made toward decreasing the burden of cancer in the United States.

Important to me: Cancer is important to me because in the world we live in now many unknown causes may lead to cancer as well as cancer getting passed down through generations.

2. Environmental Health

Goal: Promote health for all through a healthy environment.

Overview: Humans interact with the environment constantly. These interactions affect quality of life, years of healthy life lived, and health disparities. The World Health Organization defines environment, as it relates to health, as “all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person, and all the related behaviors.” Environmental health consists of preventing or controlling disease, injury, and disability related to the interactions between people and their environment.

Important to Healthy People: Maintaining a healthy environment is central to increasing quality of life and years of healthy life. Globally, nearly 25 percent of all deaths and the total disease burden can be attributed to environmental factors.

Important To me: Environmental Health is important because in the world we live in we do not realize the importance of recycling which causes pollution as well as many other problems with the human body.

3. Food Safety

Goal: Improve food safety and reduce foodborne illnesses.

Overview: Foodborne illnesses are a burden on public health and contribute significantly to the cost of health care. A foodborne outbreak occurs when 2 or more cases of a similar illness result from eating the same food. In 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention received reports of a total of 1,270 foodborne disease outbreaks, which resulted in 27,634 cases of illness and 11 deaths.

Important to Healthy People: Foodborne illness is a preventable and underreported public health problem. It presents a major challenge to both general and at-risk populations. Each year, millions of illnesses in the United States can be attributed to contaminated foods.

Important to me: Food safety is important because many people aren’t informed on the correct safety procedures when taking care of food as well as eating it.

4. Heart Disease and Stroke

Goal: Improve cardiovascular health and quality of life through prevention, detection, and treatment of risk factors for heart attack and stroke; early identification and treatment of heart attacks and strokes; and prevention of repeat cardiovascular events.

Overview: Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Together, heart disease and stroke are among the most widespread and costly health problems facing the Nation today, accounting for more than $500 billion in health care expenditures and related expenses in 2010 alone.

Important to Healthy People: Currently more than 1 in 3 adults live with 1 or more types of cardiovascular disease. In addition to being the first and third leading causes of death, heart disease and stroke result in serious illness and disability, decreased quality of life, and hundreds of billions of dollars in economic loss every year.

Important to me: For people who has had family members in the past that has had strokes and many heart diseases this is important because this is known for being a generational issue in most families.

5. Nutrition and Weight Status:

Goal: Promote health and reduce chronic disease risk through the consumption of healthful diets and achievement and maintenance of healthy body weights.

Overview: The Nutrition and Weight Status objectives for Healthy People 2020 reflect strong science supporting the health benefits of eating a healthful diet and maintaining a healthy body weight. The objectives also emphasize that efforts to change diet and weight should address individual behaviors, as well as the policies and environments that support these behaviors in settings such as schools, worksites, health care organizations, and communities.

Important to Healthy People: Diet and body weight are related to health status. Good nutrition is important to the growth and development of children. A healthful diet also helps Americans reduce their risks for many health conditions.

Important to me: This is important to me because many Americans such as myself does not eat healthy not only is this an issue this stop the living morality rate for Americans as well because we are putting the wrong nutrients into our bodies.

However it is important to note that, due to poor income people in low socio economic groups cannot afford fruit and vegetables which tend to be expensive therefore they are bound to purchase cheap fatty foods that are economically viable …

Based on the health indicators specified by the Healthy People 2010 programs, there is a need to develop programs that are able to address related issues comprehensively. Addressing infant mortality corresponds both to the two overarching goals of the program …

In medieval York medicine and health were very important aspects in life. For many peasants that lived in medieval York, disease and poor health were part of their daily life. Medicine was both basic and sometimes useless. Towns and cities …

Health for young is defined holistically, which places solid emphasis on their relationships and emotions and how they feel. Health is not just about being physically well or being ill. The environment, too, is viewed as crucial through its impact …

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