Healthy Body

The foods we eat are very important. There are many nutrients that we need to eat: Carbohydrates – pasta has a high level of carbohydrates in them. Carbohydrates give you energy and can help you go on for longer and long distance runners such as Paula Radcliffe would eat these to help her. Males generally need more energy than females especially during growth. Protein – helps you build muscles and can improve your health. Fish and meat have high levels of protein and low levels of fat in them.

Body builders and weight lifters would eat a lot of protein to help them in their sport.  Fats – is a nutrient that you need to maintain a healthy body but too much can inhibit your performance. Oil has a lot of fat in it so having oil over too much of your food can become very unhealthy. All sportsmen would avoid eating too much fat. * Vitamins and Minerals – you need to eat these everyday to maintain a healthy body. Fruit and vegetables are the best food to eat.

You need to eat at least five portions of fruit or vegetables a day if you do this your body is very healthy. All sportsmen will eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. All sports require players to wear safety equipment to prevent temporary or permanent injuries. Football players have to wear shin pads to prevent injuring their calves; the calves are a very important muscle in football. In every sport you have to warm up before the sport begins, you do this to get the muscles warmed and to prevent injuries.

You also have to have a warm down after a sporting event. You need to do this so your muscles relax and are not so tense after exercise so you do not pull anything. Keeping fit is a good way of keeping your body healthy. If a fat person wanted to become fit I would recommend that they look at their diet and the amount of food they eat. I would advise them to reduce the amount of fat they eat and eat more nutritious foods i. e. fruits vegetables.

I would also recommend that they increase the amount of activities they do by exercising for a certain length of time a day. As they build their stamina up they should find it easier to increase the amount they do each day and this should help them lose weight. When you are overweight, your body has to work harder but becoming fit it starts to become easier. Your stamina, speed, suppleness and strength should all increase.

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The food and drink you consume can have a large impact on your lifestyle. Therefore if someone consumes healthier food and drink they are more likely to have a better lifestyle. In fact, the food we eat has a direct …

The first fault in my diet for this day is that I did not have breakfast. This greatly affects my ability to concentrate during the day, and also my physical performance. My lunch was high in fat, but also contained …

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