Health promoting exercise

Warm up before circuit: An easy jog can start a good warm up. This will get the blood pumping around the body and to increase your heart rate to prepare for a good exercise session. Static stretches should follow an easy jog. Static stretches should be gentle stretches of muscles, such as: biceps, triceps, abdominal, quadriceps, hamstrings etc. Ballistic stretches shouldn’t be done as this may cause damage to yourself by tearing muscles or pulling your tendons or your ligaments as your muscles would not be warmed up enough.

A warm up should be carried out as it can warm your muscles up so it will decrease the risk of getting injured. It can also help to prepare yourself mentally as you will be more focused and you will find it easier to concentrate. Exercises and skills 1) Bicep curls Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bend and lift with your knees to pick the weight up (This will decrease the chance of hurting your back). Bend your arms at the elbow and bring the weight towards your chest, lower the weight slowly and repeat until the time is exceeded.

2) Tricep dips Sit down on a bench, place your hands at the side of you. Put your weight into your arms and move forward so that your bottom is not touching the bench. Whilst doing this straighten your legs out. Lower yourself but not far enough that touch the floor then push yourself up into the first position. Repeat until the time runs out. Skill A: Bowling Draw a circle on a wall. Stand so far back away from the wall. Through the ball underarm and try and hit the wall within the circle. Repeat until stated time runs out.

3) Squats Crouch down on your feet as low as you can go. Place arms in front of you on the floor. Stretch legs fully out at a quite fast speed and then bend them again and go into original position. Repeat until time exceeds. 4) Sit-ups Sit down on a mat facing a bench or wall bars. Place feet under lowest bars. Bend knees and lie facing the roof. Place arms across chest and bring your head towards your knees. Keep your legs still. This works the abdominal muscles.

Skill B: Throw and Catch Stand so far apart from partner. Throw the ball to your partner underarm and your partner should catch the ball. Your partner should then throw the ball back to you should catch it. Repeat until time runs out. 5) Skipping Use a skipping rope. Stand holding the rope behind you with your arms by your side. Turn the rope over your head and jump it when it approaches your feet.

6) Wall bar climb Stand at the bottom of the wall bars. Grab hold of the bars and climb, and touch, the top. Climb back down slowly. Repeat until stated time runs out. 7) Bench lifts Fix a bench to wall bars, and keeping your back straight lift the bench above your head and then lower. Another way that this can be modified is that you could stand while doing this exercise. Skill C: Fielding Roll a ball along the ground to your partner.

Your partner should bend down and pick up the ball. Your partner should then roll the ball back to you. Repeat as many times as you can in the amount of time given. Organisation/Implementation/ Monitoring We used the Harvard step test to test our own fitness by monitoring our own heart rate at rest and after exercise. My results showed that I am quite a fit person. My result before exercise was 73 bpm and after exercise it was 101 bpm. My heart rate isn’t too high after exercise and not too low before exercise. My time for recovery decreased as the weeks went on, but to start off they were moderately high.

After the second week of doing circuit training we had a two week break for the Christmas holidays so I think that I was more tired after week three than I was on week one as I did not do much exercise over the two week period. The four specific components of fitness that were definitely included in my circuit are speed, stamina, suppleness, and strength. In the circuit there were specific skills that will have helped in my game activity of Rounders. This circuit that I have been carrying out for the past 5 weeks have been very appropriate to my sport as the skills involved bowling, throwing, catching, and fielding.

A warm up should always be executed before any exercise but if doing a circuit which uses a lot of different muscle groups then a warm-up is essential. A warm up helps to prepare you mentally and to bring focus onto what you are going to do. A warm up is also essential as it warms and loosens your muscles up and helps you to reduce the risk of giving yourself an injury. You should spend 10 minutes before doing exercise warming up at least.

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