Health insurance plan

Especially, children the dental services are provided under Children’s Dental Health program. The eligible children who are under the age of 12 years old and as well as 13 to 17 years old who lives with low income. The families with an annual net income of $30,000 or less are eligible for this scheme. The families should apply for coverage under Newfoundland and Labrador Prescription Drug Program. The dental program cover such dental services like, examinations at six-moth intervals, cleanings at 12-month intervals, fluoride applications, limited x-rays, routine filings and extractions, sealants etc.

A separate insurance plan is available to the residents which provides inpatient and outpatients services. The eligibility with the scheme is linked with Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Care Plan. It is governed under Department of Health and Community Services. The insured inpatient services include Nursing services, Laboratory, x-ray, drugs, medical and surgical supplies, operating room, labor & deliver, radiotherapy facilities, rehabilitative services etc.

In order to eligible to this scheme three categories of applicants defined such as Canadian citizens, Landed Immigrants and Foreign workers. But the categories such as students from other provinces and territories, depends of residents of another province, certified refugees and, tourists, inmates of federal prisons are not eligible for this scheme. 6) HEALTH CARE IN QUEBEC In the province of Quebec, the health insurance plan will be under the control of Minister of health and social services.

The scheme provides Insured Hospital services, Insured Medical Services, Insured Surgical-Dental services, Uninsured hospital, medical and surgical/dental services etc. In order to get eligibility, unlike other provinces, no registration is necessary. Proof of residence in Quebec enough to get the service under the hospital insurance plan. It is more advantageous to the public so the access of the scheme is very easy without registration process etc.

The insured health services can be accessed by any body who are residents without any kind of discrimination and no extra billing by Quebec physicians. The Minister of Health and Social services provides funds to the hospitals in connections with cost of insured services provides. During 2005-2006 around $7. 8 billion has been made. 7) HEALTH CARE IN NUNAVUT The Department of Health and Social services is responsible for achieving the healthy communities in the territory. The health services based on primary health care model.

The health care facilities provided by family physicians, nurse practitioners, community health nurses and pharmacists. The territory also recruits and hires family physicians as when necessary. In order to eligible to get the services, the persons should be resident of Nunavut. Resident means lawfully entitled to remain Canada. The eligible residents should apply for health card for which they will receive unique health care number. The coverage begins the first day of the third month after arrival in Nunavut.

A Medical Care Plan (MCP) is a comprehensive plan of medical care insurance designed to cover the cost of physician services for residents of Newfoundland and Labrador. The MCP, though introduced in 1969, was merged with the Department of Health …

The Health Care Insurance Plan is provided under the Hospital and Diagnostic Services Insurance Act, 1988. Besides insured hospital services are also provided by the Act. In this scheme, the hospital services available to the insured whether in or out …

Healthcare system in Alberta is under the Canada Health Act with full responsibility delegated to the Ministry of Health of Alberta. It is governed under Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). The policy provides physician and specific dental and oral …

The following services will not be provided under the scheme 1. Hospital charges above the standard ward rate for private or semi private accommodation 2. Services that are not medically required such as cosmetic surgery. 3. Services that are considered …

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