Health Care System

Pushing the Universal Healthcare would also affect every citizen of the country. Where would the government get the funds to pursue this program? Certainly, it would not be from the own pockets of our Senators or our President, such funds would be generated from taxes paid by the people. While the proponents argue for their right to health care, the opponents laid the counterargument that giving this right should not be forced. Knowing that funds for the Universal Healthcare program would be generated from taxes, it is least to expect that income taxes would increase (The problem with socialized health care, 1999).

Thus, it is likely seen that other people’s problem are also problems of the tax payer. The responsibility which the government shouldered was being passed as the responsibility of the country’s citizens. It is incontestable that the provision of medical services to the citizen of the state is a right to be fought for. Present as well as past Presidents and members of the congress had done their action regarding this program. Most of these politicians are mere supporters of the Universal Healthcare program and used this as a part of their campaign during the election period.

The Universal Healthcare program is becoming more political. It is a product of the countless promises of politicians that are (sometimes) put into trash once they have earned the position. Pursuing the said program is definitely wrong. This health care program brings the issue of rights versus rights which implies that upon granting the right of health care to every individual, the right of the doctors, businessman and medical practitioners are being violated.

Putting this health care program into law would eventually bring negative implication to the medical field. While doctors are being deprived of their rights, their tendency is to shift to places where they can fully exercise their rights (or venture into other fields) thus bringing the problem of shortages. The Universal Health care program is not the answer to satisfy the needs of those who are unable to pay for medical services. These people should not rely on the empty promises of the government.

Funds for their medical needs should come from voluntary charity and not from the taxes being paid by employed people. After all, the Americans are believed to be the most generous people. Charity funds from private sectors and industries would eventually be generated to provide low (if not free) health care services for those who are not fortunate enough to afford special care. Most people are seemed to be blinded by the positive implication of the Universal Healthcare program and undermine its negative effects.

If people would only weigh the positive and negative implication of the program and look at it in a deeper context, they would determine that the Universal Healthcare program has numerous flaws and is not a proper approach to be embrace.


Achieving a High-Performance Health Care System with Universal Access: What the United States Can Learn from Other Countries. (2008). Annals of Internal Medicine, 148, 55-75. Brooks, Janet. (2007). America poised on the precipice of health reform. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 177, 1170-1171.

Forman, Jonathan Barry. (2007). How Universal Health Care Would Influence Decisions About Work and Retirement. Benefits Quarterly, 23, 22-26. Lin Zinser and Paul Hsieh. (2008). Moral Health Care vs. Universal Health Care. Journal of Culture and Politics. Retrieved May 27, 2008, from http://www. theobjectivestandard. com/issues/2007-winter/moral-vs-universal-health-care. asp. Litow, Mark E. (2007). Confronting the Fear Factor: The Coverage/Access Disparity in Universal Health Care. Benefits Quarterly, 23, 17-21.

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