Health and social workers

Health and social workers have to help my clients through their difficulties and needs, but not let their independence drop down. Also, health and social workers need to teach and explain to my clients some self instructions in some of their treatments required. It is very important so that my clients have a choice about what needs to be done, and understand why and what they need to do.When my client 1 goes to the dentist, he teaches her how to properly take care of her teeth, and what could happen if she does not do it. Also, since she is a smoker, he explains to her the consequences of smoking in her teeth.

Once my client 2 broke his arm, he felt like he had lost part of his independence, because for doing specific things, like taking a proper shower, writing, eating with a knife, he would need someone else’s to help him. Also when he goes to see a connexions adviser, he is presented to a lot of choices for his possible problems, then with his independence, he will choose the one that suits better his needs. Health and safety is about reducing my clients’ risks and hazards in order to keep my clients safe when they are using health and social care services.

As my client 1 enters the dentist’s consulting room, the dentist’s assistant asks her to wear an apron that will protect any liquid to spit on her clothes. When the dentist comes, he is wearing a uniform so that we are able to see he is clean and tidy. He after that washes his hands, puts on disposable mouth guard and gloves in front of my client, in order that there is no risk of contamination as his hand in will go inside my client’s mouth. All the items that the dentist will be using must be sterilized, since they are used in all patients. Sterilizing is a process that eliminates transmissible agents from a surface, by usually heating it. When needed an injection, the dentist would open the new pack of disposable needles in front of my client, and after the using it, would put it in the special bin.

While consulting a GP, he would wash his hands before starting the consult with my client. The GP would wear disposable gloves and a uniform showing cleanness and tidiness. Cheaper instruments would be disposable plastic ones, for example the stick that he uses to see through the throat, would only be pack opened in front of my clients. However, the expensive instruments, as could not be used as a disposable, would need to be sterilized after each patient, as a stethoscope used to hear my client’s heat beat.

On a visit to an optician’s surgery, the optician also would be wearing a clean and tidy uniform. The cables and wires coming from the machines used to see through the eyes would be properly hidden, so that there is no risk of my client falling on them. The equipments would need to be health checked and approved. The equipped chair that is commonly used would need a disposable cover that would be changed in every interval between patients.

Previously my client 2 could put on the braces, the orthodontist asked an X-ray of his teeth area. In the X-ray room, no on is allowed if not my client, because of how harmful the ray is. Even the assistant goes for a separate room. Before my client sits down on the special table, the machines above him are pulled to the side so that he can safely go up by the small steps ahead the table. Also the X-ray assistant that helps him uses a tidy uniform. When he goes to see a connexion adviser, in the room there should not be any trailing wires and the room should be in a suitable temperature, not too hot, not too cold.

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