Health and Social Care

All care work is about improving the client’s quality of life by meeting people’s intellectual, emotional and social needs, as well as their physical needs. One way of doing this is for care practitioners to empower their clients. Care practitioners empower clients by promoting certain values, which are important to both the care practitioner and the client. These values form the basis for a set of principles that help care workers to gibe the kind of care each individual client requires. The principles are also there as guidelines for the General Practitioner and the Nursery Nurse.

Promoting anti-discriminatory practice: Freedom from discrimination. The right to be different. Aware of assumptions made surrounding gender, race, age, sexuality, disability and class.  Understand prejudice, stereotyping and labelling their effects.  Use of language (political correctness). Promoting anti-discriminatory In the world today, all people are different, because of this; people find it easy to think that some people are better than others or that some opinions are right, whilst others are wrong – we must always consider the fact that different people see the world in different ways, and that our way of thinking may sometimes seem unusual to someone else. This difference between people is called diversity and we should value it.

Unfair discrimination is when people, or a group of people are treated unfair or unequally in comparison with other people or groups of people. When people discriminate unfairly against someone else, we say they are prejudice against that person. Maintaining Confidentiality of information In care work, sustaining information confidential is vital. It is an important right of all clients. It is important for the following reasons:  Promoting and supporting individual’s rights Everyone has the right to their own beliefs and lifestyles, but no one has the right to damage the quality of other people’s lives.

This means that rights often come with responsibilities towards other people. Government legislation, codes of practice, employer’s policies and national training standards outline the rights clients have when they are receiving health and social care services.At the end of the day, the nursery nurse encourages the children to help tidy the toys away – that were used in the day. This helps the children to develop a sense of achievement, because once they finish tidying up, they can feel like they have actually achieved something by working together. This helps the child’s independence because they tidy up by themselves, and feel a sense of accomplishment due to the portion of the work that they completed successfully.

Comparing Care Values for both Care Workers Similarities of Care Values used: Providing individualised care: Both of the care workers apply an individualised approach towards caring for their clients. The General Practitioner uses this care value to help their patients to improve their lifestyles in terms of health. Similarly, the Nursery Nurse uses an individualised approach by giving the children freedom of choice. This allows the children to gain independence because they start to do things on their own.

Promoting and supporting individual’s rights: The General Practitioner uses this care value in order to welcome the patient when they come into the room and also to make them feel at ease. The Nursery Nurse gives children a selection of what they want to do. They have to look for their name in a variety of names. Instead of doing the register normally, this gives the children a chance to develop their intellectuality because they use their eyes to search for their names on the board. Both of the practitioners incorporate a way to acknowledge the individuals personal beliefs whilst developing communication skills.

Different Care Values used: Providing individualised care: The Nursery Nurse and the Doctor use this care value for other aspects of their service. At the end of the day, the nursery nurse encourages the children to help tidy the toys away. This way of caring for the children is more practical because the children develop a sense of achievement by putting words into actions. The way the GP uses this care value differs greatly because he/she gives the patient advice on health issues, prescribes medicines or treatment to enforce the implications of employing healthy habits. Promoting and supporting individuals’ rights: The GP gives people access to professional health advice. This approach is different to the Nursery Nurse’s because the Nursery Nurse teaches the children ways to act and is basically moulding them to what type of person they will be in the future. The nursery nurse plays a bigger role in that retrospect.

1. 1Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role: A duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on any individual working within the care sector that they adhere to a standard of reasonable …

1. 1 Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role: A duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on any individual working within the care sector that they adhere to a standard of …

She was working in a management role caring for children of varying age range including babies, toddlers, pre-school children and school aged children. Before she was a supervisor she was able to do the supervision of the nursery and supervise …

In this section, my information pact is going to include a description of a piece of legislation, the Human Rights Act and a code of practise, the Code of Practise for Health and Social Care Workers from the General Social …

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