Health and social

Susan Smith is 29 years old. She has been addicted to alcohol since the age of 17. She has lost everything due to her addiction, her home, her job and her daughter the thing that hurts her the most is that she isn’t that bothered, of course she was hurt but in the end that cold litre of cider was her company what else did she need? Susan has tried many things to get her back on track, rehab, meetings, visiting Bella, the lost daughter that doesn’t want anything else but for her own mum to hold her in her arms.

Nothing has worked! Susan is a very needy person. Susan likes to be centre of attention but, she frightens everyone she meets, she needs help! Water makes up between 50 and 70% of an adult’s total body weight, regular top-ups are needed to balance the loss of water from the body in the form of urine and sweat. If we did not replace the water lost the body would not be able to survive. Dehydration will set in. o have a secure roof over her head. Food in her fridge and cupboards. Clean water so she is able to drink and bath.

Susan should also be able to feel safe in her home and not feel like a victim. To socialize with ‘normal’ people around the same age so she can feel accepted. To go back to school to get the grades to be able to get a job. She would like to become a councillor to her other addicts to get back on there feet. To build a strong bond between her and her daughter. She would like to get in a long-term relationship with the right man who will be able to care for her and support both financially and emotionally.

Explaining the potential affects of four factors that can influence the health and subsequent needs of individuals in society. The chemicals present in tobacco can damage body tissues and cause many types of disease and disability. E. g. raised blood pressure. The subsequent needs of the individual will depend on the damage caused by smoking. Hospitalisation and medical care might be required; these would be costly to the country not only monetary terms but also in time lost from work for ill health.

Housing-city Living in the city might have benefits as the individual will be able to socialise although, they may suffer from health issues as there are no natural resources to keep them fit. The individual may suffer for obesity or some other diseases caused my infections from air pollution. Employment- minimum wage The person who is only paid minimum wage might be worse off than the person who is unemployed. They might have to pay for medication and health care. Might not be entitled to free school meals etc.

In this section I am going to discuss health and well being, what health means and what health means to other. (We need pictures to explain how and why people have different views). I am also going to explain what …

Mr Jones is 56 years old. He is a care worker and works in a care home for the elderly and the disabled. He started smoking at the young age of 16 and hasn’t stopped since then. He used to …

What is health and well-being? How do we know if we are healthy or not? Everyone wants to be healthy but how do we know if we are or not? Health and well-being will mean different things to different people. This …

All care work is about improving the client’s quality of life by meeting people’s intellectual, emotional and social needs, as well as their physical needs. One way of doing this is for care practitioners to empower their clients. Care practitioners …

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