Health and Safety Mu.2.4

Non- medical incidents and emergencies that may occur in the work setting are – * Stranger in the building
* Abuse
* Frozen taps
* No heating
* Building collapse
* Missing child
* Parent could become violent
* Snow
* Flood

Actions to take in the following situations are –
* Know how to safely evacuate everyone
* Know where extinguishers are kept and how to use them, know where all fire exits are * Check for obstructions on both sides of the fire exits
* The person in charge must take the register and signing in and out form for visitors when the building is evacuated. * The person in charge will call for the fire brigade
* Everyone who has evacuated the building are to go to the set, secure location a safe distance from the building, where it is checked that everyone is accounted for. * Nobody is allowed back into the building until classed as safe by the fire brigade

Security incidents:

* If a security incident occurred in the setting, I would first protect the children, I would inform my room leader or manager if this happened and wait for instructions.

Emergency incidents;

* Ensure children are safe
* If a child is missing, inform manager
* Children are in a safe location


Signs and symptoms which may indicate that a child or young person is injured or unwell are;

* Out of character, quiet, lethargic.
* Diarrhoea
* Vomiting
* Irritable
* Rash
* High temperature
* Not wanting to eat
The circumstances when a child may need urgent medical attention are; * Loss of consciousness
* Head injury
* Continued bleeding after first aid treatment has been given * Suspected fracture
* Burns or scalds
* Foreign bodies
* Fits
* Suspected poisoning
* Choking
* Allergic reaction


My own role and responsibilities in the event of a child requiring urgent medical attention are;

* Stay calm and assess the situation.
* Minimize danger to others and yourself
* Ensure there is someone to supervise the other children * Call 999
* Give emergency services the correct name, number, location. Explain what has happened
* Reassure the child
* Have child’s personal details, tell them treatment given, last meal, drink, allergies etc.

The reporting procedures for accidents, incidents, emergencies and illnesses are; * All injuries or illness that occurs must be reported to the child’s parents or primary carer. They should be told- *the nature of the injury or illness * the treatment given

* the name of the person who carried out the treatment. * the time of the incident

There should be a accident report form which details what has happened, when and treatment given, which the parents sign once they have been informed of the incident. When a child becomes ill- report to the manager and fill in the childs record the details, these should be- * When child first showed signs of illness

* What the symptoms were
* Any action taken
* Progress of the illness since noticing it

The different routes for medicines to enter the body are-
* Orally
* Eye and ear drops
* Inhalers
* Creams, absorbed through skin
* Nose spray
* Suppository
* Needles

If a child in the setting requires medicine, the parent needs to sign a consent form, they need to write down the time of the last does and when the next dose should be given and how much. The information the setting must have is the child’s name, date of birth, address, past medical history, the child’s doctor, they should have the name of the medicine and know the side effects. In our setting the child if taking antibiotics is not allowed in the setting for the first 48 hours of starting them in case of reaction.

The setting will have medicine forms where it will state the time the medicine was given, who by (in our setting the person has to be level 3 qualified), who witnessed it and it should be signed by both and then shown to the parent and signed by them. Medicines should be stored out of reach, in a locked fridge or cupboard, the right amount should be given, to the right child at the right time.

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