Health and fitness

This is the ability to carry out daily tasks with ease. In football strength would be needed to apply force and the ability to overcome resistance of opposing players. For example, using your weight to push someone away from the ball or even to take a strong shot, strength is needed in both legs and arms. Speed – This is the ability to move all or part of the body as quickly as possibly. We use anaerobic energy to supply our muscles for fast bursts. This is also essential in Football as a good striker and needs to get away quickly from the defenders, also the defenders need to be quick in order to keep up with the opposing strikers.

Stamina/endurance – This is the ability to work for long periods of time without becoming fatigued. This is vital in football, as a game of football last 90minutes, there is a break, however a player, plays football for at least 45minutes without taking a break, if the stamina is not good, then the player would get fatigued during the match, which could result in a loss. Suppleness/flexibility – This is the ability to move our joints through their full range of movement. Flexibility is vital to stay healthy and avoid injury. This is also needed in football, as a striker and a goalkeeper, they need to get to other places very quickly, they need to react very quickly, for example, the striker needs to act quickly if the ball is played into him and the keeper needs to be aware of the strikers, if they shoot he would need to dive and save the ball from going into the back of the net.

Body Composition – This is what our body is made up of, the percentage of fat in the body. This needs to be kept at a minimal for footballers, as the player would have to carry more excess weight, which would lead to him getting fatigued very quickly. Types Of Training Aerobic Training Aerobic training needs a constant supply of oxygen, the effects are mainly to do with the way the body maintains this supply. Effects of aerobic training are :-At this activity I will also be aiming to do as many reps as I can. Press ups are when you place both hands on the ground and your toes touching the ground so your whole body is being supported by your legs and your arms then you have to lower your body down until your elbows are at 90degree angles, then you raise your body so the elbows are fully extended. Press ups target the biceps triceps and deltoids, the fitness being improved is also muscular endurance.

Activity 2 = In this activity the purpose is to run quickly but in a fast time as in sprinting. This will help my breathing rate over the training sessions and it will help my physical appearance as I will have some changes to my appearnce. Activity 3 = At this activity you get in a push up position and then bring your knees inwards towards you stomach by making your feet jump from where they were to your stomach. You could say it is like going from point A to B. this helps your abdominal the most. It also helps your hamstrings.

Activity 4 = To do as many step ups as possible, targets muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance of legs. Activity 5 = In this it is the same as doing press ups but you clap when your hands are not on the ground trying to support you. This shows signs of your co-oridnation and how well you are at it.

Activity 6 = This is a activity which takes the sit ups on to a further stage. I will try to do as many fast sit ups as I can. Activity 7 = At this activity I will be aiming to do as many sit ups in the time limit. Sit ups are when you lie flat backed on the floor with your hands on the sides of your head near your ears, with your knees bent and stationary, the aim is to bring your body up, this applies pressure on abdominal muscles. Sit ups target the abdominal and upper leg muscles, the fitness being improved is muscular endurance

Activity 8 = In this activity I intend to sit down with my legs straightened. My arms will be pressured on the bench and I will try and lift my self up by using the bench through my arms and hands. Activity 9 = The aim is to repeat as many chin ups as you can, this improves muscular endurance in biceps triceps and upper chest. To do this you hang from a bar and you try to pull your way up to your hands with out the support of the ground. Activity 10 = This is proberly one of the simplest activities. In this activity you just hop for the period of time and that is it. But this does help your legs and abdominal.

There are many principles of training. The basic training principles help coaches to design programmes that are specific and safe for an individual athlete. The training principles outlined below will appear to focus mostly on fitness training but the majority …

Well the aim of my training program is to increase my fitness level after the six weeks of the program. It will also help develop my football skills and my stamina and endurance while playing football. My current fitness level …

Purpose of the programme in relation to prior fitness levels The sport I’m going to be training for is football. At the moment my current level of performance is fairly average so I wish to improve over six weeks to make …

Health related fitness is what everyone should have whether they play a sport or not. Keeping the body fit for health incorporates the following components: Badminton Health Related Aerobic Fitness Aerobic fitness increases the amount of oxygen that is delivered …

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