He plays no sports

Bob is a obese individual, who doesn’t do hardly any exercise at all. He plays no sports. And has a very unbalanced diet. In this personal exercise plan, I am going to work on improving Bob’s cardiovascular endurance (stamina) and muscular endurance. I am going to use the SPORT principles of training to make my training more effective. The five principles are: Specificity; is to ensure that training relates to your sport/needs. Progression; is to make sure you gradually increase the intensity of exercise over your plan.

Overload; is where you do one session a week when you are pushing your body to the absolute maximum. Reversibility; we need to ensure this doesn’t occur in our plan. Reversibility is where you stop training, and your muscles begin to atrophy. Tedium; is where you change the training so the participator doesn’t get bored. Week plan In this pep, I am going to include to types of training. One being circuit training and the second being continuous training.

Training Monday One circuit and a 5 minute run. Tuesday Two circuits and a 5minute run. Wednesday Two circuits and a 10 minute run. Thursday Three circuits and a 15minute run. Friday Two circuits and a 15miute run. Circuit; I’ve done this circuit with 4 stations. Each station should be done for a minute each. Diet A balanced diet is important in to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Food type About the food type Where will you fond these.

Carbohydrates Provide a quick release of energy. 60% of our diet should be carbs. Pasta, cereals and potatoes. Fats Fats provide slow release of energy. 25% of our diet should comprise of fat. NB Unsaturated fats are healthy. Too much saturated fat from animal products can lead to heart disease. Oils, Dairy products and nuts. Proteins Proteins help with growth and repair. We need 15% of our diet to be proteins. Meat, pulses and fish.

Vitamins help the body to work. A – for vision B – for energy production and stress reduction C – to keep skin healthy D – to help bones and teeth Fresh fruit and vegetables minerals Helps release energy from food. Helps decision making. Calcium – to strengthen bones Iodine – for energ production Iron – pevents fatigue Fruit, vegetables and fish Fibre Can’t be digested. Fills you up and keeps you ‘regular’ Fresh fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereals Water Maintains fluid levels The tap.

What areas of sport do you specialize in? -What are the main requirements of this sport? (select appropriate)- endurance, agility, coordination/ balance, other (please specific). -Does your sport have a special training diet? If yes, what does it contain? -Does …

The first fault in my diet for this day is that I did not have breakfast. This greatly affects my ability to concentrate during the day, and also my physical performance. My lunch was high in fat, but also contained …

The different weight-loss programs marketed to the general public are typically designed to eliminate one food group, like no fats or low fats, or increase the consumption of one food group in relation to all other foods like high-protein diets …

The different weight-loss programs marketed to the general public are typically designed to eliminate one food group, like no fats or low fats, or increase the consumption of one food group in relation to all other foods like high-protein diets …

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