Growing skeletal system

Although this training programme is designed for me as an individual, other things that I could consider are, would my PEP be suitable for people of a younger age than mine. Those involved in training, young people must have an understanding of body growth and development and must ensure that training methods do not put undue stress on the growing skeletal system. Safety issues that I need to consider for myself are that any equipment that I use in my circuit needs to be checked before they are used. This is important as broken or damaged equipment can lead to serious accidents and injuries. Also for many of my exercises involved in the circuit, gym mats for protection need to be used.

Laces on trainers should be tied at all times, even if no running is involved. Whilst performing the exercises in my PEP, I must be aware that if any of the exercises begin to put stress on my body or if ant are causing me pain or discomfort, then I should stop that particular exercise to prevent injury. A full warm up is also important before I start any training. Warm ups are designed to prepare the body and mind for vigorous exercises and challenges in the training ahead. It is essential to start with a physical warm up. This will protect against injury and improve the body’s efficiency. To ensure that I gain as much as possible from the warm up, the following stages should be followed:

Just as before this session was tough on my body, however I coped well and my motivation level could not have got any higher. I successfully managed to break my record time by 0:00:48 seconds. Although this does not seem much, it is still an achievement. Grouping sets of exercises together to concentrate on one muscle group places a much higher demand on the body- as does performing circuit maximums. I think that I am doing really well for my motivation levels to be as high as they have been.

The only problem that I found in myself during this weeks training session was that I didn’t seem to perform the exercises on some of the stations correctly i.e. the technique wasn’t correct. I think this was because I was in competition with myself, trying to beat my time and I started to rush the exercises. This is perfectly natural but I must remember for next week that all the exercises on every station needs to be performed correctly due to safety reasons i.e. injuries may occur.

1 hour of aerobics week 7 Gym session week 7  30 mins gentle jog on the treadmill  Bicep curls 9 sets of 8 reps, 15 seconds rest between set. Level 2  Leg extensors (quadriceps) 9 sets of 8 reps, 15 seconds rest between set. Level 3  Hamstring curls 9 sets of 8 reps, 15 seconds rest between set. Level 3  sit-ups 9 sets of 8 reps  Pectoral deck 9 sets of 8 reps, 15 seconds rest between set. Level 2  Calf raises 9 sets of 8 reps, 15 seconds rest between set. Level 3  Arm extensors (triceps, latts) 9 sets of 8 reps, 15 seconds rest between set. Level 2 Session evaluation I felt that this was a very intense session and I seemed to cope with it extremely well. I think that this is because the muscular endurance in both my legs and my arms is increasing and I am able to cope with a lot more. For next weeks session I would like to stick to the same amount of sets being performed but I would like to up the levels on each station by 1 level.

Fitness training week 8 Circuit maximums This week I must make sure that all of the exercises involved are performed correctly, even if this means that I do not beat my recorded time for last week. This session in some ways was a success but not in others. I performed each exercise correctly there fore my body worked harder than it did last week. However, I didn’t manage to beat my time. This does not mean that reversibility is taking place, it is just simply the effect of performing the incorrect technique.

The sport that this plan is going to correspond with is cricket. I feel that I need to improve the speed of my bowling because I feel that if I become a faster bowler I can become a more influential …

I have chosen to base my session in the gym as a qualified instructor can then watch the performer and ensure they are performing each station correctly with no health and safety risks and monitor the effort they are putting …

A warm down is a period of light exercise at the end of a training session to insure a successful recovery will take place. A warm down is important because it allows the body to recover and it prevents your …

When I order my circuit I will not work on one part of the body twice because if I do this it will make me tired and will slow my level of performance. For example I will not do press …

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