Getting a fitness routine started: Yoga

According to Edwin Ryan of the Florida International University, physical fitness is a state characterized by the ability to perform daily activities with vigor and demonstration of traits and capacities against hypokinetic disease or those caused by inactivity. He stated that there are four components of physical fitness: cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Cardiovascular endurance or aerobic fitness is the strength of a person’s heart and lungs and ability to carry oxygen well throughout the body.

Muscular strength pertains to how much weight can a muscle carry and muscular endurance refers to how many times it can move the weight before exhaustion. Flexibility measures the distance a muscle can stretch and lengthen. Finally, body composition is the ratio of fat to lean tissue. On the other hand, wellness incorporates all the aspects of being which includes his emotions, body, spirit, intellect, relationships and others. How to start a fitness routine: Let it suit you MayoClinic. com provides for five simple steps to start a fitness routine.

(1) Assessing your fitness level. This goes beyond your body proportion but involves the recording to baseline fitness scores of your aerobic and muscular fitness, flexibility and body composition such as the following: (a) your pulse rate before and after a one-mile walk; (b) the time that took you to walk one mile; (c) number of push ups you can do in a specified time; (d) the distance you can reach forward while seated on the floor with your legs in front of you; (e) your waist circumference at the level of your navel; and (f) your body mass index.

(2) Design your fitness program. Evolve your fitness program to what motivates you. It can be for weight loss or other motivations such as preparing for a five-kilometer race. This helps you to gauge your progress. Further, choose activities that you will enjoy, varying from one activity to another and be reasonable with your progression. Also, schedule your fitness program just like any appointment. This may be tricky and challenging but consider the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle. (3) Assemble your equipment.

You may start with a good pair of shoes or comfortable sports wear. If you intend to invest on exercise equipment, be wise and practical. (4) Get started. Start slowly and build up gradually. Warm ups and cool downs are just as essential as the exercise itself. Be forgiving and allow yourself to take a break for a day or two especially when your body hurts. (5) Monitor your progress. You might notice a need to increase the amount of time for such fitness activity or you might just be surprised that you are meeting your fitness goals.

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