General Adaptation Syndrome

Stress has been a common factor in an individual’s life. There can be many causes of stress in everyday life. Thus, it can be concluded that stress is almost part of our lives. Unrelieved stress can be witnessed and experienced through fatigue, concentration difficulty, irritability, and also with sleeping difficulties. There is a syndrome that describes the body’s long-term and short term stress, it is called the General Adaptation Syndrome. GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME

General Adaptation Syndrome or GAS, according to Hans Selye, is a syndrome that is general due to the fact that it is produced by agents that have an entire effect with regards to the body’s large portions. It is also named adaptive due to the truth that it stimulates defense. Lastly, it is called a syndrome due to the fact that its manifestations are coordinated and partly reliable with each other. Psychologically, stress can affect a person in so many ways that it also leads to the stress of the body.

When the mind succumbs to stress, the body follows its lead. ALARM REACTION There are three stages that Dr. Hans Selye pointed out regarding the General Adaptation Syndrome. The first stage is Alarm Reaction. This is the rapid reaction with regards to a stressor. In stress’ starting phase, individuals display a “fight” or “flight” reaction that readies the body for a physical activity. But with the initial response, it also has the potential to lower the the immune system’s effectiveness making people more prone to sickness when on this stage. RESISTANCE

Also named as the stage of adaptation, the resistance phase is when the stress continues and then the body adjusts to the exposing stessors. There are many levels of changes that occur for the reduction of the stressor’s effect. During this stage, the body remains prepared for danger. A person’s immune system can become more susceptible sickness and be compromised if this stage of General Adaptation Syndrome is prolonged. EXHAUSTION During this phase, the stress on the body has become ongoing for some period. The resistance of the body to stress may reduce gradually or may also quickly collapse.

At this stage, it is generally where the immune system of the body is much weaker and that your body’s capability to shun away from disease can be entirely ineffective. At this stage, the people who have been experiencing long-term stress can even result to terrible infection or can possibly experience heart attacks. Exposure to long stress can lead to a more negative and definitive effect on the body. RELIEVING STRESS Stress’ effects can be either physical or psychological in nature and it can also be both at the same time.

There have been many options for treating stress and it normally takes one or two strategies of stress reduction. These strategies are avoiding stressors, changing your reaction to the specific stressors and getting rid of stress after reacting to the stressors. There are many specific options for relieving stress or reducing stress. Some of these are just be listening to music, exercising, massage or even aromatherapy. Stress relieving options sometimes depend on the person. There are certain ways that people relax themselves.

Generally, some people just needs to avoid thinking of the stressful aspects in their lives in order to reduce stress or even terminate it entirely. Again, stress can affect both the body and the mind, in most cases, when the mind is succumbing stress, the body follows it as well. For individuals who badly need treatment of stress, it is best advisable to consult a doctor regarding this matter in order to know what strategy or strategy combinations could best suit the relieving treatment. WORKS CITED Monat, Alan, & Lazarus, Richard S. Stress and Coping: An Anthology. New York: Columbia University Press, 1977.

In the 1940s, Han Selye developed a theory which has helped us to understand why and how stress leads to illness. He tested on rats, and subjected them to a variety of stressors, such as an injection, poison or extreme …

In a bid for the body to continually maintain a state of constancy, it react to adjust every stress or hurt posed to it by making some physical, biological, biochemical, and psychological moves. The sign of this restoration, which varies …

1) The Alarm Stage – When are body first perceives there’s a problem. ‘Fight or flight’. Heart rate increases, we breathe more quickly, our muscles tense. 2) The Resistance Stage – If our bodies are exposed for a long time, our …

First I would experience the alarm reaction phase of the gas syndrome. Symptoms of the alarm reaction phase include muscle tension, increased heart rate, dilated eyes, faster breathing, and butterflies in the stomach. The second phase in gas syndrome is …

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