Effects of Stress Muscle Tension, Increased Heart Rate

First I would experience the alarm reaction phase of the gas syndrome. Symptoms of the alarm reaction phase include muscle tension, increased heart rate, dilated eyes, faster breathing, and butterflies in the stomach. The second phase in gas syndrome is the resistance phase. This phase is caused when the alarm reaction phase does not subside. The symptoms of the resistance phase are fatigue, irritability, and trouble concentrating. The third phase of gas is the exhaustion phase. This is the final stage of gas and if stress is prolonged enough to reach this level serious medical illness can occur.

The effects of this stress could be anxiety, headaches, stomachaches, and sleeplessness. When I am stressed out about these types of situations I feel anxious about not being able to do the things that are expected of me. I worry that I will not do things the way that they need to be done and this causes headaches, upset stomach, and sleeplessness. Different people would react differently to different types of stress, but this is the effect that I face when dealing with time pressure, work hassles, and future security type stressors.

If this stress is prolonged I may suffer from a suppressed immune system (causing numerous health issues), depression, extreme fatigue, high blood pressure, obesity (I also over eat when under stress), continued headaches and other body aches. There are so many side effects that stem from stress. I had no idea that stress could cause so many health problems. I now understand that most of my aches, pains, and health issues stem from the stress that I face and the ways that I have handled that stress.

If I was in this situation and had to alleviate some of these stress factors for my well-being I would talk out these problems with friends and family. Social support has been a big help to me in the past. Discussing problems with others can be a great way to find solutions. The self-efficacy expectation could also help me to maintain optimism and believe that I can accomplish these tasks. Another helpful method that I have learned is the psychological hardiness method. If I want that promotion I need to be committed, controlled, and meet the challenges that I face. If I can outline my goals and map the tasks out I will have a better chance of completing these goals and alleviate some of the stress in the process.

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