Gene therapy

Therapy of germ line are procedures which cannot be reversed and once they are initiated results are usually expected and incase a mistake is made in doing this its usually manifested in generation which can either have a positive or negative consequences to the life of the future generation. The results of germ line therapy are permanent and therefore before they are initiated one should have clear understanding of therapy and the outcome it will bring to the person who is carrying on with the procedure since once its initiated it is not reversible.

While planning for the unborn, one should consider the results of therapy since it can either affect the well being of the child either positively or negatively. Germ line therapy is the only way inheritable diseases can be eliminated/prevented in new born and also in germ cells which can undergo therapy in vitro before they are implanted. The therapy usually confers its benefit to selection of embryo but they are usually greater risks associated with it.

The number of situations which necessitates germ line gene therapy are quite few on incidence where germ line gene therapy is quite important is in the case of homozygous couples which has genetic disease and they want to have child who will be free of their disease and they want to use there own gametes. (Dimichele et al. , 2003, p. 145) In this case embryo screening is impossible since all zygotes will be infected and hence disease is carried on gametes.

Therefore to save the child can be born who is free from disease. This is quite ethical since it will save the life of this child who could consequently be born with serious disease condition. Therefore, the big issue which needs to be evaluated is whether it’s worthy to pursue this therapy considering the minimum medical benefit and the risk that one can encounter due to misappropriation. According to various research carried out, manipulation of germ line therapy creates less good and more social harm to individuals.

In dealing with this issue, ethical line should be drawn which will show the acceptability rate of therapeutic uses and those which are eugenic and not acceptable so that it can be determined whether the therapy can be acceptable or un acceptable. (Stock & Campbell, 2000, p. 192) The ethical line should be evaluated so that it can be determined whether the values will show any respect to the society. If the therapy is made available it will result to both therapeutic purpose and for eugenic purpose since those people who bear undesirable characteristics will decide to come up with various ways of alleviating their poor traits.

Therapeutic purpose of the therapy should be enhanced since many lives can be saved through use of therapy and other genetic disabilities can be alleviated from the line in future generation. When they are used for eugenic purpose, then therapy should be initiated at persons own will since it can be used by those individuals who are less fortunate in the society for developing some of the traits such as height, knowledge or in case of men who have low sex libido, they can boost their libido by use of therapy whereby sperms are interchanged with the ones which have the potential.

Some couples gets married for a long time and in most cases they do not get children due to poor traits that the sperm cells from the man are impotent or the ova cell from the woman are weak or they can not be fertilized. There cells from both individuals can undergo therapy and this can make them to have children of their own without adopting. Therefore to sum it all, introduction of genes into the embryo which can change the genetic composition of embryo that trait which results from this can be passed to subsequent generation. This issue has brought about ethical controversy on whether the operation should be accepted or not.

The intervention in this case has raised ethical concern in regard to study of human disease. (Gordon, 2003, p. 304) Conclusion. Human germ line gene therapy has hence helped a number of individuals who have inheritable characteristics or disease to give rise to healthy individuals who are free of disease. As an issue of ethical concern, these characteristics can finally be alleviated from future generation. If those who are facing the problem are financially stable so that they can deal with the issue of undergoing therapy which is quite expensive.

Therefore people should accept the germ line gene therapy but they should be aware of some of effect that it can have on unborn such as alteration of genes which can lead to formation of conjoined twins or other deformities in unborn children. As an issue of ethical concern, therapy should be used for therapeutic purposes and not for eugenic purpose.


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