Football Affected By the Sports

The sports industry as a whole has a huge influence on particular sports such as football. The ways it affects the industry is varying for example as well as successful teams particular national teams and icons such as Beckham can increase the amount of participant in a sport. Where as media stories such as danger in sports or drug scandals can make participation drop. The sports industry can also affect the amount of money in the sport for example nationwide leagues popularity leading to ITV digital’s collapse has meant teams going bankrupt and therefore even less money spent on merchandising and local kids not possibly getting into football as they have no local club.

In recent years, the way people use their leisure time has become more organized. The Sports industry includes work in the field of professional sport, in commercial or local authority centers, in sports injury clinics, as well as in leisure facilities in cities and seaside resorts. The national sporting strategy, Sport 21, specifies three aims – for sport to be more widely available, for sporting talent to be recognized and nurtured and for world class standing in sport to be achieved this is particularly true for football as they constantly try to attract more participants.

Learning proper techniques is important for all participants in sport, whether at recreational, professional or Olympic level. In the Sports sector this has led to a growing demand for those qualified to teach and coach activities such as health and fitness, football, tennis, golf and athletics,. This increase in needs for qualification has not only improved participation and fan levels but also in those learning about technical aspects of the sport for example in football UEFA coaching awards and sports science degrees. An interest and qualification in sport and/or life-saving can also lead to work in sports centers or swimming pools.

In the Sports or Leisure Management sector, those with an interest in sport can work in leisure centers, sports centers and entertainment centers. Managers are responsible for and expected to attract new custom through developing appropriate marketing campaigns. Local authorities often employ development officers to encourage participation in sport. These programs can affect football by attracting more youngsters to the game.

In the Sports Performance sector, some sports, for example football, and motor racing, offer opportunities for those with exceptional ability to perform as full-time professionals. The advent of the Sports Lottery Fund has expanded the range of these opportunities. Competition is intense and success depends on many factors, not just technical ability. As well as talent, self-discipline, determination, self-confidence, commitment and drive are required.

The field of Sports Science is concerned with preventing injury and with improving or maintaining performance. Some doctors specialize in this work on a part-time basis. The range of careers in Sports and Leisure includes Health and Fitness Instructor, Outdoor Pursuits Instructor, Sports Development Officer, Footballer, Sports Therapist. From time to time, when there is a temporary recession and people have less money to spend, the Sports industry and in turn football as a whole can be affected. Nonetheless, in general terms, it is a growth industry.

In 1970 there were barely 20 sports centers including quality football pitches in the UK; today there are well over 1,500 And for every ten people playing sport professionally there are over thirty in related fields such as management, coaching and therapy. Demand is growing for managers in sports and leisure centers. There is a movement away from council-run centers towards commercial operations and trusts this can mean access to football playing facilities can be limited to certain socio economic groups but can bring in more money, although some organizations, e.g. universities, provide facilities for their staff and students.

Most sporting professionals are Footballers, but there are also openings in other sports, e.g. motor racing. Entry is extremely competitive. Financial rewards vary enormously and due to the amount of money depending on the success and quality of the sports industry football players in particular careers can be short-lived, ending as suddenly as they have begun. Professionals have an average career span of eight years, and must plan for a change after the age of about 30 – 35 this can put people off looking at a career in the sport and also means job saturation in off field jobs by ex professionals. For coaches, instructors and teachers, there is an expansion in opportunities in local authorities, sports governing bodies, the security services, leisure centers. Outside the fields of football, jobs are often part-time or seasonal, and operate on a self-employed basis.

There are also televisions that show things such as football match on sky sports. This would allow football fans to go to the pub together and enjoy the game. It creates a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. This gives people the …

This local study offers an overview of the provision of Football in the local area, Sandwell. Football has a well-developed structure in Sandwell as it is the most widely played sport in the area and the sport is encouraged to …

And lots more. Local leisure centers, and sports centers provide activities and facilities for football to happen for all ages. Football does not have really had some sort of grading for the sport. Footballers are given a title depending on which …

For many years, disabled people have been spectators, as others have enjoyed the highs and lows of playing football. But in recent years variations of the sport have been devised to allow virtually any disabled person to play, and to …

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