Food Essence

The food industry plays a vital role in the society mainly because it is one of the basic necessities of the people in their everyday life survival. As the culture and advancement of the society continuously develop, so is the aspect of food industry wherein its variety is constantly expanding and its production approaches are developing. Food becomes a part of the culture of each society reflecting much their characteristics, lifestyles and social preferences. In this aspect, the fast food industry has already been part of most contemporary society particularly the American civilization.

Fast foods are mainly define as foods that are easily prepared and served without consuming much time and effort thus, can easily be access in most places by the needing people. The fast food industry is always viewed to be a significant part of the food culture of the American society. This type of food is preferred mostly by the American people as this aspect provides the people their food needs without consuming much time. Indeed, the American society is always known for being fast moving in terms of social aspects and structure.

Their people desire to do many things in their daily activities thus, time become of the highest importance in their society. Because of this, the fast food industry is indeed compatible in the American society as they provide the daily food need without compromising the activities and time structure of the people. Though it is commonly viewed that the fast food industry originated mainly from the American society, several studies have found that this is not entirely true.

Fast food was already present in most primitive societies all throughout the world with each having their own characteristics. Each society has their own food type that is easily prepared without consuming much time and effort and this is dominantly inculcated in their social system. However, as the American society develops and the system of international trade was implemented, the fast food industry becomes concentrated among the American people through incorporating each of the respective characteristics of the different societies.

The American fast food industry incorporated each of the different fast food type and created their version that is more convenient and applicable to their needs. In the modern aspect, the development of the fast food industry was founded by the American society because of their surging need for better time management in terms of producing food without much hassle, time consumption, and is readily accessible in most places thus, the modern fast food industry is born.

The fast food industry is growing rapidly and this is all happening because they attract more people by advertising in the media. The fast food industry is not also helping peoples health and financially. Fast Food industry is one of …

In the United States, you can find McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King and other fast food outlets in every city. Fast food restaurants are very popular in our country, and there are many people, who like eating there very frequently. From …

In Supersize Me, film school dropout Morgan Spurlock argues via a month-long self-experimentation with a McDonald’s diet, that the food choices at this international fast food chain are inherently unhealthy. This, he maintains, is the fundamental contributor to an obesity …

Evolutionary explanations of food preference explain individual’s food choices in based on the diets of our earlier ancestors and also based on cultural transmission which is the spread of skills, technologies and ideas through communication and modelling rather than genes. The …

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