Fitness tests

Fitness is also tested once a player is selected. This is done by a series of fitness tests such as the multistage bleep test, 30metre sprints, one rep max , hand grip dynamiter ect… These fitness tests are carried out as it gives the selectors information about the player’s fitness. Selectors will give different players different fitness tests depending on their role in a team; however the general components that everyone must pass are the bleep, 30 metre sprint, and one rep max. This fitness test must be passes as these are the test that measures the essential and most vital fitness components required for the sport.

This talent identification programme will have a positive effect on cricket as it will enhance the quality and support that upcoming cricketers are receiving which will make the future of the sport brighter. Developing the young talent will give the sport a good name which will also lead to enhanced participation. This is good for the sport as it means that it will become better known and more money will be put into the sport which means the sports facilities are improved. Another advantage of this programme in the current environment is that it can give employment opportunities to coaches, as this programme spreads around the country.

Furthermore the advantages from guiding the upcoming talent will mean that the country will produce a stronger clan of cricketers who can represent the country at world events and can contribute in making the countries team the world’s best team. It will also mean the quality of cricket, and ethics of the game that have been passed down through the years will still be present in the future games.

This programme has a strong foundation, and is well structured which indicates that it is more than likely to be a successful in being able to find and develop the countries cricket and help produce new, world class cricketers. This can be ensured are the programmes is critically structured, so that it identifies talents at all age groups and trains the players selected in a large variety of manners so that they are conditioned.

However it can also be noted that this programme will be a long process and it can create false hope to the talents that maybe selected as the programme can be seen to be slightly over critical. This means that many of the athletes that are selected may not succeed in performing in the highest levels as they might not be prepared or ready at the time to meet the demands of the different stages, but it does leave them with experience and give them more of a chance than those that haven’t been selected to make it to the highest podium of performance.

On the whole this talent identification programme can be viewed as a potential success in meeting the aims of finding excelling talent in cricket and providing them a developing foundation from which they can grow into good cricketers. This can be proven by the depth of the programme and how it offers something unique and lucrative at each stage of the development. Never the less the programme is slightly long, and the calibre to which it has been created might be slightly too expensive to fund, as it will take a lot of money, and resources.

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