Fitness program

What is the aim of my fitness program? The aim of my fitness program is to improve my performance of a sport; the sport I have chosen to do it for is Basketball. To improve I need to think about my weaknesses during basketball. I get very tired and find it difficult to play a full game of basketball, so as the game increases I make more errors like dribbling, shooting and doing a lay up, this could mean that I give away fouls and in some cases my team could lose the match.

I need to concentrate, on muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance; this will help me to allow my muscle groups to last longer without slowing down, (to keep going for a whole game). This will help me to improve on my weaknesses, for example, I can dribble, and jump better this will also help me when making mistakes, I wont make as many as I usually do. Whilst I plan my fitness program I need to think about SAFETY, the main safety precaution would be with the weights, three main points would be:  Concentrate when lifting,  Lift and release slow.

Breathe out when lifting, breathe in when releasing These points will help me when using them, also there will be fewer injuries. I will be doing my programme once every week for six weeks, to start with I am going to start of easily and gradually get harder (progression and overload) to reach my target heart rate. To make my programme interesting I will vary the activities in the programme and not just working on the same part of my body over and over again. To measure intensity I will gradually increase the level of difficulty of which I will do my exercises.

I am a fitness consultant at a local sports club. A sports performer has approached me and asked for advice on improving their fitness levels for the forthcoming season. I have looked at what I will have to do and …

My fitness program: I have decided on the most appropriate order for my fitness training regime that won’t exercise the same muscle groups next to each other as much as possible. However, this was not possible in a couple of …

To work on you fitness, you first need to know and understand the aspects of it so it’s clear what you need to do to improve it. Being fit is central to our health and to our sense of well-being. Health …

Well the aim of my training program is to increase my fitness level after the six weeks of the program. It will also help develop my football skills and my stamina and endurance while playing football. My current fitness level …

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