Fat Substitutes

Emulsifiers used have same caloric value as fat, i. e. 9 calories/gram but less amount is used which results in fat and calorie reduction. Emulsification using Milk Fat replaces fat on a one-to-one basis. The ingredients of this roll per 100 grams are: Protein – 3 grams, Carbohydrate – 56. 4 grams, Fat – 22. 5 grams and the total energy yield is 445 Kcal. So the energy yield from Fat is 22. 5*9=202. 5 Kcal. If Milk Fat is not a part of this then the Kcal from Fat would be almost double, i. e. 405 Kcal.

If I prefer this then I would save around 202.5 Kcal daily Taking into account my Weight as 75 Kgs and Height as 174 cms, the nutritional analysis tool shows my daily activities consume around 2890 Kcal and my calorie intake indicates approximately 3600 Kcal. So if I can avoid the high fat content chocolates, I can definitely save atleast 202 Kcal in my calorie intake. As per RDA guidelines, the total Fat content in a product should be limited to 30% of its total calorie content. The calories which are not burned come to 700 Kcal daily and which accumulates as Fat in my body.

To regularize my diet content, I need to limit my food intake to 3000 Kcal and which should include 60% carbohydrates, 10% proteins and 30% fat(taking balanced diet to keep my weight intact). So this comes to 1800 Kcal of carbohydrates, 300 Kcal of proteins and 900 Kcal of fat. Most of the excess calorie content in my diet comes from fat. If I summarize my calorie intake, my fat contents stand at 1300 Kcal, carbohydrates of 2000 Kcal and proteins intake are good at 300 Kcal.

Since I take chocolates, I can avoid the excess fat by choosing those consisting of Emulsifiers, Milk Fat as part of my diet which significantly cuts down the fat content in my diet. Though these Emulsifiers are equivalent in calorie content as of fat, they result in fat and calorie reduction. Also vegetable oils consisting of Emulsifiers result in much more calorie reduction. References Krogh, David. Biology, A Guide to the Natural World. Third Edition. Pearson: Prentice Hall. Chapter 3.

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