Family Nurse Practitioner

I have many goals and aspirations in life. However, through my undergraduate and work experiences as a certified nurse, I was able to discover my true calling—to become a family nurse practitioner. Thus, with optimism, I am looking forward to a more challenging and fulfilling career in the field of family nursing. I feel that the time has come for me to take another step towards achieving my goals, some of which are short-term.

One of my short-term goals is to learn new things and gain more knowledge about family nursing practices, which I can achieve by becoming a part of the Family Nurse Practitioner Program of (insert name of university here). I believe that by continuing my studies in this university, I will be armed with the appropriate skills and knowledge that can make me a successful family nurse in the future. Completing the said program with flying colors and becoming a certified family nurse practitioner are also part of my short-term goals. To achieve this, I intend to strive towards attaining several short-term goals under this.

One is to repay my would-be mentors by studying harder and fulfilling the assigned tasks and projects. It would be a great privilege to be accepted in this university and therefore, it is only right for me to do my very best. By staying committed to my studies, I also aim to reach another short-term sub-goal: to show an exemplary academic and practical performance. I believe that I can attain this with the help of (insert name of university) where I can definitely acquire skills and knowledge that are beyond those that are needed to practice family nursing through its reputable mentors and resources.

Being a family nurse practitioner is a noble profession. It practice requires patience and dedication. Once I attain my short-term goals, I plan to pursue my long-term goals of providing healthcare to families that need my service the most. I wish to go beyond the conventional family nursing practice by offering the patients utmost care and taking care not only of their health needs but their personal needs as well. I plan to devote myself to becoming a family nurse practitioner and a family member of the patients whom I will be serving. After all, when you care for a person, you wish the best for them.

Also, in order to meet my long term goal, I will help meet the primary healthcare needs of the families I will take care of to prevent them from having or developing illnesses and for them to have good health maintenance. As one of my long-term goals, I am also looking forward to having a family of my own where I can apply my profession by maintaining my family’s health needs at an excellent status. This will all be made possible by attending Family Nurse Practice Program at (insert name of university here). Finally, I plan to specialize in providing healthcare services for the older generation by becoming a gerontologic nurse practitioner.

I aim to focus in this field and fulfilling this long-term goal not only because it is highly in demand due to the many baby boomers that require this service, but also because I love taking care of the elderly and have a great respect for them. I know that a job of a family nurse practitioner is not easy. But, when I become a family nurse practitioner, I will never surrender and I will take my responsibilities to heart. I am really motivated to succeed. I can also clearly see my goals in front of me. Hence, I will just look straight ahead, ignoring the petty obstacles such as fear and overcoming the difficulties that I will encounter.


  • Gilbert, David N., Robert C. Moellering, and Merle A. Sande. The Sanford guide to antimicrobial therapy. Vol. 48. Antimicrobial Therapy Incorporated, 2003.
  • McDowell, H. M. “Family nurse practitioner.” International nursing review 31.6 (1984): 177-179.
  • Linn, Lawrence S. “Patient acceptance of the family nurse practitioner.” Medical Care (1976): 357-364.
  • Spitzer, Walter O., et al. “The Burlington randomized trial of the nurse practitioner.” New England Journal of Medicine290.5 (1974): 251-256.

My name is (Insert your name here). I am now on my way towards reaching my goals in the field of Family Nurse Practice. I believe that when I become enrolled in the Family Nurse Practitioner Program of (Insert name …

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