Family Medicine Business Plan

As part of its ongoing efforts to improve access to health care in rural areas, General Medical Center is subsidizing the start-up and first year of operations of a new family medicine practice, Park Square Family Medicine. The business will be owned and managed by Dr. Nathan Detroit, MD as a sole proprietorship. He will be responsible for ensuring the general health of his patients and creating a viable and profitable business medical practice.

Throughout the first year, Dr. Detroit will work closely with advisers from General Medical to get the clinic on a sound financial and operational footing, using this medical clinic business plan as a guiding management tool. Dr. Detroit will focus on diagnosing and treating conditions of all ages while emphasizing preventative medicine and the overall health and wellness of his patients.

The clinic will utilize new equipment and a trained staff that will be able to optimize the care of each patient. He understands that there are many factors that can affect health, including exercise, diet, environment and heredity. Park Square Family Medicine will try to provide the most comprehensive medical care possible in order to optimize the care and well-being of each patient. Dr.

Detroit will also carry out minor procedures in his office, but only after both risks and benefits have been explained and understood and written consent has been obtained from the patient. Dr. Detroit will refer patients, when appropriate, to specialists and/or to hospitals for tests, further treatment and therapy. Dr. Detroit will be assisted by two employees: a medical assistant and a receptionist. Ongoing training and support for these employees will be provided by General Medical Center throughout the first year.

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