Factors thata effect health and well-being

In this section I am going to describe in detail factors that effect my client’s health and well-being. For each factor I am going to explain how it affects my client and relate it to the PIES. There are many factors in my client’s life that have a positive effect on her health and well-being, which should be maintained. However, there are also some negative factors, which are putting Elizabeth’s health and well-being at risk. These factors need to be changed so that Elizabeth can ensure a good standard of health and develop her PIES in a more positive way.

Factors that Positively Affect my Client’s Health and Well- Being Regular Exercise Elizabeth is a very active person and takes part in a variety of sport. Elizabeth mainly participates in aerobic sports. Aerobic exercise increases the body’s demands for oxygen and adds to the workload of the heart and lungs, strengthening the cardiovascular system and helping to increase endurance. Aerobic exercise is exercise that is maintained for long periods of time and is rhythmic in nature.

Aerobic activities include: walking, biking, jogging, swimming, aerobic classes and cross-country skiing. Elizabeth will be benefiting in many ways from the exercise she does. For example, Elizabeth is a confident, happy person. There is a lot of evidence to show that taking part in regular exercise helps prevent depression and can improve confidence. Even though Elizabeth has an unbalanced diet, she is a healthy weight. This could be because she is very active and is burning off the extra calories she consumes. Elizabeth’s active lifestyle may also help her in the future as well.

Diabetes and heart disease runs in Elizabeth’s family. Exercise can also help prevent heart disease and diabetes. Exercise increases levels of HDL (good cholesterol), which will reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Exercise also lowers cholesterol and boosts the immune system. Our bones also benefit from exercise. Exercise helps prevent osteoporosis. Weight bearing exercises help increase your bone density and strength. Exercise has also been shown to improve quality of sleep, especially morning exercise.

Researchers believe that morning exercise helps to set your body clock each day, which makes you awake during the day and tired at night. Elizabeth has problems with sleeping, so she could try exercising in the morning. All of the things listed above show evidence that regular exercise is benefiting Elizabeth’s physical health. Elizabeth takes part in some sort of physical activity every day, meaning she is socialising with people other then her immediate family every day. This gives Elizabeth the chance to form new friendships and have a wider social group.

This also means it is less likely that Elizabeth will withdraw from society and become isolated. Exercise will also improve self-image. People who have a positive self-image often show no difficulty in social situations. Exercise has intellectual benefits as well. In exercise we must make quick decisions, find the best strategies and stay concentred. It is important for Elizabeth to be concentrated at work and make quick decisions. Because Elizabeth regularly exercises she may be more competent at this than she may have been if she did little or no exercise.

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